Refrain:    The Lord has been mindful of us and he will bless us.

1    Not to us, Lord, not to us,

but to your name give the glory,  

for the sake of your loving mercy and truth.

2    Why should the nations say,  

‘Where is now their God?’

3    As for our God, he is in heaven;  

he does whatever he pleases.

4    Their idols are silver and gold,  

the work of human hands. [R]

5    They have mouths, but cannot speak;  

eyes have they, but cannot see;

6    They have ears, but cannot hear;  

noses have they, but cannot smell;

7    They have hands, but cannot feel;

feet have they, but cannot walk;  

not a whisper do they make from their throats.

8    Those who make them shall become like them  

and so will all who put their trust in them. [R]

9    But you, Israel, put your trust in the Lord;  

he is their help and their shield.

10  House of Aaron, trust in the Lord;  

he is their help and their shield.

11  You that fear the Lord, trust in the Lord;  

he is their help and their shield.

12  The Lord has been mindful of us and he will bless us;  

may he bless the house of Israel;

may he bless the house of Aaron;

13  May he bless those who fear the Lord,  

both small and great together. [R]

14  May the Lord increase you more and more,  

you and your children after you.

15  May you be blest by the Lord,  

the maker of heaven and earth.

16  The heavens are the heavens of the Lord,  

but the earth he has entrusted to his children.

17  The dead do not praise the Lord,  

nor those gone down into silence;

18  But we will bless the Lord,  

from this time forth for evermore.


Refrain:    The Lord has been mindful of us and he will bless us.

Living God,

defend us from the idols which our hearts enthrone,

that we may not go down into silence

but be raised to our heaven of heavens

in Jesus Christ our Lord.


Common Worship: Daily Prayer, material from which is included here,
is copyright © The Archbishops' Council 2005 and published by Church House Publishing.

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