To call the gospel ‘Good news’ might be the greatest understatement of all time. It’s astonishing, life changing, world transforming news. And everyone needs to hear it so they can respond.
But they can only hear it if someone tells them.
Are you someone who feels a burning in your soul to be a messenger of the good news? If so, Twenty-Eight Nineteen is for you.
Twenty-Eight Nineteen is a new project across the Church of England that aims to empower and release teenagers to effectively tell others about God’s love.
We have called it 28:19 because in Matthew’s gospel – chapter 28 verse 19 – the last words Jesus speaks to his disciples is to send them out to carry the news to the ends of the world. It’s often called the great commission. We'd love you to be a part of it.
Starting in the autumn, we are launching 28:19 with five online mentoring communities, each with two experienced mentors and 8-12 young people of secondary school age. You’ll get investment, teaching and support to help you step out in sharing the gospel with your friends.
This isn’t a top-down approach, we don’t have a special formula. It’s for teenagers across the church – for any and every style and tradition. We don’t want to tell and control, we want to empower and release. We believe that God could be stirring something new in you, and we want to do our part to release it. We can’t wait to see what will happen as this community forms.
If you are even a little bit interested, we’d encourage you to complete the form below, expressing your interest. There’s absolutely no commitment made by filling out this form, it just gives us permission to get in touch to see if this is something you want to explore more!