Explore Project - New Free Resources for Missions


These comprise a set of engaging, accessible prayer cards, booklet and a website https://explorechristianity.info/

At present we are able to offer free quantities of prayer cards, partly inspired by COVID-related needs, which may be of interest for use with visitors and in pastoral contexts.

Here is a commendation the project recently received from ++Justin Welby:

The open doors of our historic buildings witness to the open doors of God’s heart. When any person comes through our doors we have an opportunity to witness to their creator, redeemer and sustainer who longs to connect with them. We need to live in the reality of God more than ever. These superbly written and beautifully produced resources enable this connection. They are simple, accessible and engaging. My hope is they are made available in church buildings across the land. My prayer is the Holy Spirit draws many to Christ through them, and the beautiful, transforming work of God brings grace and peace to all those who engage with them.

We can at the moment offer 200 of each of the 12 cards free (with free delivery). If you are interested, all you need to do is provide delivery details, as soon as possible, on this contact form  Explore Prayer Cards Order Form

There is also a 15-minute online briefing on YouTube at  https://youtu.be/dfq8G8UPDhc