Godparents Sunday and the Great God-Family Picnic


July is national picnic month, so this year, the Life Events team is planning a food-and-fun-filled Godparent Sunday, The Great God-Family Picnic. A picnic is a great opportunity for open-edged hospitality (there’s always room for more on the picnic blanket – or on the Zoom call). Your church can use the day to celebrate and recognise the vital importance of godparents – but also the important ways that we’re all connected to each other and to God. Planning far ahead may still be difficult, but we have ideas to allow for the varying extent of social contact that may or may not be permitted by then.

This year there are three ways that churches can celebrate and support the vital role of Godparents in family life: 

1.    By praying for the god-parent / god-child relationship and for godparents and godchildren of all ages
2.    By holding a special Godparents’ Sunday service – prayers and sermon ideas will be provided, as well as invitations and posters
3.    By getting involved with The Great God-Family Picnic (co-created by the Church of England and Messy Church)

Visit the Church Support Hub to find out more: https://churchsupporthub.org/godparents-sunday