Information about appointments to General Synod bodies, elections in which any of the Synod's members in their capacity as such constitute the electorate, and elections to bodies to which General Synod Standing Orders 132-135O apply.
Appointments Committee
The Appointment Committee's remit is set out in General Synod's Standing Order 126: 'to make such appointments and/or recommendations on appointments to synodical and other bodies as the Synod or the Archbishops' Council shall require.' There are a number of bodies that the Committee appoint to and further details can be found here.
The Committee has set out the way it approaches its work in a set of guidelines which it considers represent best practice when making appointments within its remit and it commends them to others in Church as an input - suitably adapted - into their own processes when making appointments. The process which is followed for appointments is here. It is particularly determined to ensure that their decisions reflect the aspiration of becoming a younger and more diverse church.
Future meetings:
Monday 10th March 2025.
If you wish to withdraw a previously submitted expression of interest, please tell us by emailing [email protected]
The General Synod Privacy Notice is on the Members' Resources page
The current membership of the Appointments Committee is listed here.
Recent appointments
Appointments made in 2024 - click here (updated Dec 24)
Appointments made in 2023 - click here
Appointments made prior to 2023
AC Audit Committee:
Ms Bethany Burrowes
Church Buildings Council:
Ms Tony Allwood (St Edmundsbury & Ipswich)
Mrs Wendy Coombey (Hereford)
Ven Bob Cooper (Durham)
Church of Scotland Forum:
Revd Jeremy Morris
Churches Funerals Group:
Revd Andrew Dotchin (St Edmundsbury & Ipswich
Clergy Discipline Commission:
Mrs Julie Dziegel (Oxford)
Rt Revd Robert Innes (Bishop of Gibraltar in Europe)
Ven Mark Ireland (Blackburn)
Mrs Michelle Obende (Chelmsford)
Rt Revd John Perumbalath (Bishop of Bradwell)
Rev James Pitkin (Winchester)
Church of England Pensions (Capital Fund) Measure Steering Committee:
Mrs Busola Sodeinde - Chair (London)
Mrs Helen Ainsworth (Southwark)
Revd Roger Driver (Bath & Wells)
Mr Stephen Hogg (Leeds)
Revd Mark Miller (Durham)
Revd Simon Talbott - Chair of Revision Committee (Ely)
Council for British Funeral Services:
Ven Bob White (Portsmouth)
Council for St Stephen's House:
Revd Christopher Trundle
Dioceses Commission:
Mr Geoffrey Harbord
Ven Karen Lund
Ms Ruth Martin
Mr Gavin Oldham
Mrs Sue Slater (Lincoln)
Rt Revd Paul Williams (Bishop of Southwell & Notts)
Diocesan Stipend Fund (Amendment) Measure Steering Committee:
Rt Revd Pete Wilcox - Chair (Bishops of Sheffield)
Mrs Julie Dziegel (Oxford)
Recd Patrick Richmond (Norwich)
Diocesan Stipend Fund (Amendment) Measure Revision Committee:
Mr Geoffrey Tattersall - Chair (Manchester)
Mr Nigel Bacon (Lincoln)
Revd Arwen Folkes (Chichester)
Mr Andrew Orange (Winchester)
Revd Eleanor Robertshaw (Sheffield)
Revd Leslie Siu (St Edmundsbury & Ipswich)
Eastern Region Ministry Course Council:
Prof Joyce Hill
Elections Review Group:
Mr Clive Scowen - Chair (London)
Revd Paul Cartwright (Leeds)
Miss Prudence Dailey (Oxford)
Mrs Catherine Stephenson (Leeds)
Mr Nic Tall (Bath & Wells)
Mr Peter Warry
Faith & Order Commission:
Rt Revd Robert Innes - Chair (Bishop of Gibraltar in Europe)
Prof Nicholas Adams
Revd Andrew Atherstone (Oxford)
Mr Ben Fulford
Revd Dr Julie Gittoes
Dr Paula Gooder
Revd Dr Jamie Hawkey
Rt Revd Anne Hollingshurst (Bishop pf Aston)
Prof Joshua Horden
Rt Revd Michael Ipgrave (Bishop of Lichfield)
Revd Dr Anderson Jeremiah (Universities &TEIs)
Revd Dr Rachel Mann (Manchester)
Rt Revd John Perumbalath (Bishop of Bradwell)
Prof Jenn Strawbridge
Rt Revd Graham Tomlin (Bishop of Kensington)
Revd Dr Carlton Turner
Rt Revd Dagmar Winter (Bishop of Huntingdon)
Fees Advisory Commission:
Ven Bob Cooper (Durham)
Mr Carl Fender (Lincoln)
Ms Josile Munro
Legal Aid Commission:
His Hon Andrew Rutherford - Chair
Mr Carl Fender (Lincoln)
Revd Geoffrey Harbord
Mr Aiden Hargreaves-Smith (London)
Mrs Carolyn Johnson (Blackburn)
Revd Joyce Jones (Leeds)
Revd Sally Lodge
Mr Neil Logan-Green (Canterbury)
Revd Sam Maginnis (Chelmsford)
Rt Revd Alistair Magowan
Liturgical Commission:
Revd Jo Kershaw
Revd Smitha Prasadam (Europe)
Revd Robb Sutherland
Ms Sammi Tooze (York)
Methodist Conference:
Rt Revd Matthew Parker (Bishop of Stafford)
Miscellaneous Provisions Measure & Amending Canon No 43 Steering Committee:
Mr Stephen Hofmeyr - Chair (Guildford)
Ven Douglas Dettmer (Exeter)
Mr Joseph Diwarkar (Archbishops' Council)
Dr Laura Oliver (Blackburn)
Ven Nicola Groarke - Chair of Revision Committee (Worcester)
Moravian Church Synod:
Revd Callan Slipper
Oak Hill Governing Body:
Revd Charlotte Cook (Archbishops' Council
St Augustine's College of Theology Governing Body:
Revd Carol Bates
Standing Orders Committee:
Revd Joyce Jones - Chair (Leeds)
Revd Amatu Christian- Iwuagwu (London)
Mrs Karen Czapiewski (Gloucester)
Revd Treena Larkin (Lichfield)
Revd Susan Lucas (Chelmsford)
Mr Clive Scowen (London)
Mr Geoffrey Tattersall (Manchester)
United Reform Church General Assembly:
Revd Sarah Gower