It’s the kind of book you want to give to encourage someone with an idea for starting a pioneering project or fresh expression, or the kind of book that a team could read and reflect on together in a church or mission community. It would also be ideal for someone exploring a sense of vocation around pioneering. Jonny and others at CMS have written books already on the missiology and theology of pioneering – this is not more of the same. It is a very different tone with direct speech and short articles on things like money, team, the powers that be, change, measurement. It is visually really terrific – a coffee table type of book. You can see some sample pages on the web site. It’s self-published by Jonny in a new venture to keep costs low – it’s only £13 which these days for a full colour book of nearly 200 pages is good value!
Available on Amazon or https://www.getsidetracked.co