Church Commissioners related articles

  1. 02/05/2019

    NEWS / The Church Commissioners for England announced today the appointment of John Weir as Head of Real Estate for the Church Commissioners’ Investment Division

  2. 21/05/2019

    The Church Commissioners for England, as the Church of England's endowment fund has asked the BP board at its Annual General Meeting to say whether it plans to achieve net-zero emissions between 2050-2070.

  3. 20/02/2019

    The Church Commissioners for England and a leading coalition of investors participating in Climate Action 100+ today welcomed a position statement issued by Glencore significantly strengthening its commitment to combat climate change.

  4. 29/05/2019

    Edward Mason, Head of Responsible Investment for the Church Commissioners for England, will present two shareholder proposals - for an independent chairman and a board matrix - at the ExxonMobil AGM today in Dallas.

  5. 22/06/2023

    The Church Commissioners for England, which manages the Church of England’s £10.3bn endowment fund, has decided to exclude all remaining oil and gas majors from its portfolio, and will exclude all other companies primarily engaged in the exploration, production and refining of oil or gas, unless they are in genuine alignment with a 1.5°C pathway, by the end of 2023.

  6. 10/12/2020

    The Church Commissioners for England have announced their support for an activist investor campaign targeting ExxonMobil.

  7. 25/05/2023

    The Church Commissioners for England, which manages the Church of England’s endowment fund, delivered a 5% return in 2022, a robust performance in the face of challenging market conditions. 

  8. 08/04/2024

    The Church Commissioners for England has agreed a 15-year lease with the National Theatre for a 36,000 sq. ft. warehouse in South Bermondsey, London, to promote the sustainable reuse and recycling of the theatre company’s costumes, props and scenery. 

  9. 11/05/2022

    The Church Commissioners for England, which manages the endowment fund of the Church of England, published its financial results for 2021 today in its Annual Report. 

  10. 20/02/2021

    Church Commissioners’ response to the report and highlights the Church Commissioners’ experience in housebuilding on its land.