Church of England Pensions Board co-chairs initiative that today launched a new Net Zero Investment Framework


70 investors with more than USD 16tn AUM have supported the development of the Framework.

The Church of England Pensions Board will be using this framework to deliver on its commitment to be net zero and is one of five investors (collectively representing USD 1.3tn AUM) to pilot test the framework across its investment portfolio.

The Church of England Pensions Board has co-Chaired this IIGCC initiative with APG.

A new ‘Net Zero Investment Framework’, issued today, provides the first-ever practical blueprint for investors to maximise the contribution they make in tackling climate change and achieving net zero emissions globally by 2050.

The framework has been developed with over 70 global investors, representing more than USD 16tn in assets, including the Church of England Pensions Board.

The initial framework has been published today for consultation. Input from a wide range of stakeholders will be sought in helping validate and strengthen the work to date by investors. Five investors will also be putting the framework to the test by modelling its impact across performance of their real-word portfolios, collectively valued at USD 1.3tn. The results of this analysis will be launched with the final framework, expected before the end of 2020.

Commenting on the Framework, Adam Matthews, Director of Ethics & Engagement, Church of England Pensions Board and Co-Chair, IIGCC, Paris Aligned Investor Initiative (PAII), said:

“Setting a long-term, net zero target is the easy part; the challenge is to have a credible and transparent framework that enables your fund to convert intent into practical decisions and action.

The Church of England Pension Board, which serves the interests of 40,000 future beneficiaries, is globally invested across multiple asset classes. This framework provides us with a basis to deliver our commitment to be net-zero aligned.”


Read the full press release here.