A Church Near You's Resource Hub has launched - here's what you need to know


The Resource Hub is here to give Church of England churches access to logos, videos and stock photography to be used across their communication platforms.

The hub, which can be accessed through A Church Near You for logged-in editors, contains high quality resources for use across websites, social media, print and even church TVs.

This is the latest tool delivered to help our churches engage with digital to reach new people in their communities and keep in contact with regular churchgoers. Last year, we trained more than 1,000 churches to use social media and websites, and we’re planning to train another 1,000 in 2019.

The idea for the Hub was created at the 2018 Church of England Digital Labs, where one of the winning teams developed the idea for “a site to allow the sharing of high quality new and existing resources and digital assets, to support lay leaders and clergy across the Church.” Read more about that in our blog about Labs Live 2018 here.

All these resources are available for free on the Resource Hub for ACNY editors, with the licensing information available on the site.

If you are not currently an editor on A Church Near You, why not become one today? Every Church of England church has a page on the site, and each church can give access to up to five editors, who are responsible for keeping their page up to date.

Find out more about becoming an ACNY editor on our Editor Help Centre here.


Logged-in A Church Near You editors can explore the Resource Hub today by visiting www.AChurchNearYou.com/hub