An ongoing series of free webinars to offer practical ideas and support for local leaders.
We hope these sessions will provide access to individuals, information and resources that will help to make a real difference in your church and community.
Webinars will take place on Zoom, lasting an hour (unless otherwise stated). They will focus on a specific theme relating to our national vision and strategy for the 2020s as well as support in the areas of evangelism, discipleship, mission and more.
Spaces are limited and registration is required in advance.
Full details, including sign-up links, are included below.
New webinars are added regularly.
Sign up here to our email list in order to receive regular updates
The Future of Evangelism: Insights from the Centre for Cultural Witness
Date and time: Tuesday 18th October, 2-3:00pm
Please register here.
The Bereavement Journey: Supporting the Nation’s Unprocessed Grief for Mental Health, Social Transformation & Mission
With some 6 million people bereaved every year and 10 million during pandemic restrictions, it’s not surprising there were reports during the period of national mourning that the Queen’s death was unlocking unresolved grief. Alongside this, faith groups supporting bereaved people in their communities are being increasingly valued and churches running The Bereavement Journey have begun reporting extraordinary attendance from outside church and engagement with questions of faith. This webinar will introduce The Bereavement Journey as an effective and easy to run tool to support a huge, current need – one which without support could lead to a greater mental health crisis, plus other negative outcomes - and recent findings showing that with support, there can be healing, hope and surprising interest in Christianity.
Date and time: Wednesday 19th October, 10-11am
Please register here.
Church Development Tool: Acting on your results
So, you've done the Church Development Tool survey - what next? Your results are a powerful tool for planning together with your church.
We will cover:
- Identifying your strengths
- Identifying areas for development
- Options for sharing your results
- Resources you can use and refer to
- Sources of support you can access, diocesan level and nationally
Date and time: Tuesday 8th November, 12:00-1:30pm
Please register here.
Mixed ecology, or mixed up ecclesiology?
A strength of the Church of England’s ecclesiology is often said to be its diversity of tradition and practice. In recent decades this has been further shaped by different perspectives on how the church best engages with being present in a context that is increasingly missional, and less shaped by a Christian heritage.
This webinar explores the aspirations, concerns, and theological underpinning of the vision for a mixed ecology as the norm and what this might mean in practice for a church of varied and often distinct traditions. This is the second webinar in a series of conversations around the Church of England’s Vision for the 2020’s in relation to broader theological frameworks and perspectives. The first, on thinking theologically about strategy, can be found here.
Hosted by Isabelle Hamley, Secretary for Theology and Theological Adviser to the House of Bishops
Date and time: Thursday 17th November, 2-3:30pm
Please register here.