This distressing plea for help, delivered by Archbishop Ezekiel Kondo in Khartoum, Sudan has led the Bishop of Salisbury, the Rt. Revd Nicholas Holtam to launch an Emergency Appeal. The target is to raise £50,000 in 30 days.
Launching the Appeal with a video and a letter, Bishop Nicholas said:
“Our own problems with COVID-19 in this country are significant, but our brothers and sisters in South Sudan and Sudan face even greater problems with even less resources.
“The pandemic has added another frightening aspect to lives in the Sudan where ‘normal’ includes hunger and the threat of disease.”
Throughout Sudan and South Sudan, people – including babies and children – are dying of hunger and of COVID-19. There is an urgent need for the provision of basic food items and for soap (used to describe everything linked to improved hygiene, including water supplies) to help resist the coronavirus in a population weakened by famine.
The funds raised will be divided equally between the Churches in Sudan and South Sudan, with which Salisbury Diocese has been in close partnership for almost 50 years. (In South Sudan, Salisbury Diocese is working with the Episcopal Church’s Relief and Development arm called ‘SSUDRA’ based in Juba to radically improve sanitation levels by the local provision of soap and water supplies).
“I hope and pray we will be generous” said Bishop Nicholas, as he invited people to give for this desperate need.
To donate to the Salisbury-Sudan Emergency Appeal visit: https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/sudansemergencyappeal
Or donate by sending a cheque made payable to Salisbury DBF, marked on the back 'Salisbury-Sudan Link Emergency Appeal' and post to: Church House, 99 Crane St, Salisbury SP1 2QB.
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