Everyday Faith is a Church of England campaign offering reflections and prayers to help you find and follow God in everyday life, starting on Plough Sunday 2020 (12 January).
We are probably all aware that being followers of Jesus isn’t confined to church activities. Most of us will pray or think about our faith at some point during our waking or working day. The Everyday Faith reflections, stories and prayers are offered to help us discover more about what it means to live faithfully, hopefully and lovingly as Christians today. As Archbishop Justin Welby says in the booklet's introduction, “God sends us as God’s church to live out our faith in a variety of places and to share the hope and love we have with the people we meet in everyday life.”
Everyday Faith is available in booklet, app, social media, email and audio formats. There is also an accompanying booklet called Everyday Faith for churches: Seven shifts to inspire Sunday to Saturday faith, outlining small changes that all churches can make to encourage us to be God’s church in the world, Monday to Saturday, as well as Sunday.
How can you get involved?
Booklets are available to purchase now from Church House Publishing (with discounts on packs of 10). The booklet contains three weeks of reflections written by Rachel Treweek, Mark Greene and myself, together with prayers, stories and illustrations. It is ideal to use in January, but you can use it at any time of year.
You can sign up to receive emails here and the #FollowTheStar app will update to become the Everyday Faith app after Christmas.
There are a couple of options for a launch service for Plough Sunday as well! You can bring a plough to church – if that’s your job! Otherwise, we are asking people to bring school bags, sandwich makers, tool boxes…or whatever best represents the roles that God calls you to undertake.
Follow the five steps below to make sure that, when January comes, you’re ready for Everyday Faith:
- Visit the Church House Publishing website to view a sample of the Everyday Faith booklets and order your copies ahead of January.
- Download the #FollowTheStar app (if you haven’t yet). The app will update to become the Everyday Faith app after Monday 6 January 2020.
- Visit the Everyday Faith section of the Church of England website and sign up to receive daily e-mails during the campaign.
- Download the free Everyday Faith for churches: Seven shifts to inspire Sunday to Saturday faith resource and use this to plan your Plough Sunday Service.
- Encourage others in your church to sign up, or take the journey as a whole church together and share your stories of Everyday Faith online and through social media using #EverydayFaith.
Dr Nick Shepherd
Programme Director for Setting God's People Free
Read the press release about Everyday Faith here.