UK Minority Ethnic mental health toolkit

What is this toolkit for?

The purpose of this toolkit is to raise awareness and to provide information for Church leaders, Church workers and Chaplains to assist them in gaining a better understanding of issues relevant to UK Minority Ethnic mental health. While the toolkit is not a training resource aimed at the attainment of new competencies, it is hoped that it will contribute to the development of existing pastoral ministries. Links to further resources can be found at the end of this document.

This toolkit has been prepared for the Mission and Public Affairs (MPA) Council of the Archbishops’ Council by MPA staff. 

Download the short booklet version

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UK ME Mental Health toolkit mock up.

Big Questions

Are UKME people more likely to experience mental health issues?
Are there cultural or socio-economic factors involved?
Why do more UKME people come into contact with mental health services through the criminal justice system?


African Caribbean people
Asian people
Young black women
Chinese people
Refugees and asylum seekers
Children and young people

Mental health and…

Cultural problem areas
Police custody
Speaking up
Faith and mental health
Crisis services
Family services

Where is God in all this?

Six theological themes
Four ethical principles

What can I do?

Cultural competence
What can the Church do?
A friendly place
Spiritual assessment