As the process for the appointment of the next Archbishop of Canterbury is under way, details about the process to elect the episcopal member of the Crown Nominations Commission (CNC) for the See of Canterbury are now available.
The nomination period for those wishing to stand as an episcopal member of the Crown Nominations Commission for the See of Canterbury will begin on 31st January. In line with the Standing Orders of the General Synod, an election by the House of Bishops will take place to select a member of the CNC who is a bishop from the Province of Canterbury.
Though the election is made by the House of Bishops, any bishop – including a suffragan bishop – whose see is in the Province of Canterbury, or any bishop who has retired and is resident in the Province of Canterbury, is eligible to stand for election. Those who meet either of those criteria and wish to put themselves forward should contact [email protected] once the nomination period has opened in order to register their nomination. All nominees are required to complete an online form, which includes the details of their proposer and seconder, and the opportunity to submit a statement of up to 300 words outlining their suitability.
The nomination period will end on 23rd February. Ballot papers will then be prepared and sent to the House of Bishops by 3rd March when the voting period will open. The voting period will end on 17th March and a count will be carried out the following day. It is then expected that the episcopal member of the CNC for the See of Canterbury will be announced alongside the rest of the membership as soon as possible after that date.
Please continue to hold this important discernment process in your prayers:
Heavenly Father,
shepherd of your Church,
send us a faithful pastor
to lead with wisdom, courage, and love,
proclaiming your Gospel,
celebrating the sacraments,
and guiding your people in unity and truth.
Strengthen your Church, we pray,
and direct us in your ways;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.