“We welcome the statement by the Chief Executive of Shell that the company will now “rise to the challenge” of the recent Court Ruling and accelerate its approach to transitioning to net zero. This is consistent with the discussions we have been having and continue to have with the company since the AGM in response to the Court Ruling, the publication of the new International Energy Agency 1.5C net zero scenario, and the Climate Action 100+ (CA100+) assessment of Shell.
“We continue to engage with Shell on the implications and how accelerating its plans will enable the company to meet the requirements of the CA100+ Net Zero Company Benchmark by 2023. It also underlines the importance that we must all work to decarbonise the real economy to reshape energy demand and ensure all companies – energy companies and all their customers in shipping, aviation, transport, road haulage, power generation and elsewhere are aligning to net zero.”
Read Shell CEO’s statement, here.