The Church of England’s National Church Institutions have taken ownership of the Parish Giving Scheme (PGS), a free giving service that allows parishioners to donate to their church, with 100% of each donation going to the beneficiary.
“We are delighted that PGS is now part of the Church of England’s national institutions,” said Rosie Slater-Carr, Chief Operating Officer of the National Church Institutions (NCIs). “Starting today, this service will be available in every Church of England diocese, offering people an easy way to donate, and benefiting all our churches across the whole of England.”
PGS was originally set up and run by a group of dioceses as a Direct Debit giving platform and now processes almost GBP 80m every year – and rising. It will continue to operate as a charity, with a single owner, Church of England Central Services (ChECS), one of the NCIs.
The change of ownership means PGS will be funded by the Archbishops’ Council via a Church Commissioners grant, providing the long-term financial backing needed to expand, improve, and future-proof the service. For givers, nothing will change.