
His Royal Highness will join members of the newly elected Synod at a special service in Westminster Abbey on Tuesday morning, where the preacher will be Archbishop Angaelos, the Coptic Orthodox Archbishop of London.
They will then move across to the Synod chamber at Church House Westminster for the formal inauguration.
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, and Archbishop of York, Stephen Cottrell, will address the gathering, the first full in-person meeting of Synod since February 2020 before the coronavirus pandemic.
The new Synod was elected earlier this autumn for a five-year term.
During the short opening group of sessions, members will discuss national issues including the gap between rich and poor in the UK as well as work to develop a new Vision and Strategy for the Church of England in the 2020s and beyond and the recent review of governance structures within the Church.
More information
- General Synod is the national assembly of the Church of England and passes legislation known as measures and canons which have legal force.
- It is made up of three houses – Bishops, Clergy and Laity – and is normally elected every five years.
- General Synod was established in 1970 replacing an earlier body known as the Church Assembly.
- Synod meets two or three times a year, alternating between London and York.
- The General Synod November 2021 papers and information for watching online are available online.