Love Matters: New resources developed for dioceses, schools and youth groups


Encouraged by feedback since April 2023 of the Love Matters report of the Archbishops’ Commission on Families and Households, and by the willingness and support of so many to see the recommendations followed through, the Commission, with additional funding from the Archbishops’ Council, has been developing resources for use locally in parishes, deaneries and dioceses. It has also been collaborating with schools based in Gosport and Fareham to produce resources for children and young people.

Two videos and lesson plans for schools and youth groups with children and young people are made available today to help them explore the key Love Matters messages, and to learn about loving relationships. The resources, one for primary-aged children and the other for secondary-aged young people have been developed by and produced with pupils from King’s Group Academies schools in Gosport and Fareham.

In response to a request for a resource to be able to engage further at diocesan level with Love Matters, an eight-page booklet has been published and is already proving popular. The booklet enables churches to discuss and engage with the Commission’s work through thinking more deeply about six different themes: family; loving relationships; singleness; children and young people; forgiveness and kindness; and diversity. Each theme has a short introduction, a Bible passage for reflection, suggestions as to what the church can do locally, and a question to encourage discussion about how to implement the key messages in Love Matters.

Welcoming these additions to the Love Matters work, the Archbishop of York, Stephen Cottrell said: “Supporting and strengthening family life is one of the most important tasks facing the church and society today.

“I am delighted that new resources have emerged from the Archbishops’ Commission on Families and Households to do this, engaging creatively with people of all ages, within the church and beyond, to encourage us all to explore the meaning and outworking of family life.”

The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, also welcomed the new resources, saying: “One year on, the Commission’s findings continue to ring true: we must prioritise families and households, in all their diversity. I pray these resources will inspire people of all ages and backgrounds to think about how we can support loving, caring relationships across our society – and take practical actions towards that. I’m very grateful to all those who have produced these resources, which reflect the love that Jesus Christ calls us to share with each other.”

Notes to editors

Love Matters - Guide

This eight-page booklet, for use in parishes, deaneries and dioceses, explores the six themes which are featured in Love Matters, the report of the Archbishops Commission on Families and Households, and includes Bible passages and questions for discussion. It challenges church communities to think about practical steps to put the love taught and exemplified by Jesus Christ at the heart of their mission. Booklets are available free of charge on application to [email protected].

Resources for children and young people

Two videos and work sheets for schools and youth groups are designed for children and young people and are available to download from the Commission website.

About the Commission

The Archbishops’ Commission on Families & Households was established to consider how to renew support for families and households in England. The Commission’s Report, published in April 2023, offers practical and deliverable ideas on what enables families and households to thrive and prosper as the cornerstone of every community in our society. The Commission aimed at every stage of its work to ensure that it was responsive to the needs and voices of families and households, placing children and young people at the centre.