Give To Go Green is a match-funding pilot project from the Church of England’s Net Zero Programme, working with churches to double locally raised donations, to help pay for carbon reducing projects .
The scheme was first piloted over a six-week period earlier this year in the Dioceses of Leeds and Exeter and helped 27 churches raise £162,155 for small scale net zero projects. £140,113 was awarded in addition from Net Zero Programme match funding on offer. More significantly, 70 per cent of the churches raised more than their target amount, some by 200 per cent.
The scheme has since been expanded into a second pilot – with fundraising due to start in September in the Dioceses of Chester, Derby, Exeter, Leeds, Sodor and Man, Southwark, St Edmundsbury and Ipswich and Winchester.
Through a targeted digital fundraising campaign, churches can raise up to £10,000 to fund small ‘quick win’ projects such as LED light installations, insulation or a new heating control system.
This will then be matched in funds by the Give to Go Green scheme made available by the Church of England's Net Zero Programme.
Helen Simpkiss, the Church of England's National Fundraising Advisor, said: “This project is a great way for churches to take part in a short, targeted fundraising campaign to help kick start their local net zero projects.
“We’ve had a great response from the churches who have taken part so far, with many reporting they raised a significant amount more than their target.
"Once we have looked at the results from our second pilot scheme, we hope we can then roll this scheme out nationally to other regions, to help as many churches as possible get the support they need to reach net zero carbon.”
Churches are finding the scheme is helping them engage with their communities.
St Mary and All Saints Church, in Plymstock, Devon, took part in the first pilot.
Rev Jennie Appleby from St Mary and All Saints, said: “The scheme has caught people’s imagination, not only in the church but in the community.
"This is something that will help us reach out, because the environment and climate change are issues that everybody is concerned about.”
The Bishop of Ripon, Anna Eltringham, said: “Encouraging giving is a challenge for the church especially in such financially uncertain times. But people are more likely to give to something tangible.
“This pilot is a fantastic and rewarding way to make things happen by offering to double every £1 people choose to give.
"I wholeheartedly support Give to Go Green and encourage churches to get involved.”
Give To Go Green is part of the Church of England’s ambitious Net Zero Carbon Programme, which aims to reduce carbon emissions from the energy used in its churches, schools, cathedrals, houses and other buildings by 2030.
The Church of England has partnered with Give A Little, which helps over 8500 charities to collect cashless donations, to power the Give To Go Green scheme.
Give A Little has developed a match funding mechanism that allows the Church of England to automatically pay out the match funded amount if the church achieves its target.
More information can be found here.