Has your church added its Advent and Christmas services and events? We're expecting more than half a million people to visit the website this December, by updating your page, could you encourage more visitors into your church this year?
Now's the time to update your church page on A Church Near You with your Advent and Christmas events and services. Last year we saw a 50 per cent increase in services and events listed on the website, and we want to offer our visitors even more opportunities to attend this year.
Remember, only Christmas services that have been tagged with the right tags will show up in search results, so do check you've used tags such as Christmas, Advent, Christmas Eve, Christingle, Candlemas, Christmas Carols, crib/nativity, mulled wine, mince pies and of course #FollowTheStar!
You can also get your church ready for Christmas by opting into the #FollowTheStar campaign on your ACNY page, like St Cuthbert's in Harlow, shown below. By ticking the campaign box, you will personalise your page with the Christmas branding, making it easier for visitors to find both your Christmas services on your page and resources from the national church. Find out how your church can opt in to the campaign here.
If you are unsure how to use any of our new features, do visit the editor help centre, which has handy blogs about how A Church Near You works.
There's still time to get involved in the Church of England's national Christmas campaign. Visit the Church of England website to find out five ways your church can get involved.
Our hope and prayer is that we encourage hundreds of thousands of people to visit and use A Church Near You this December to find their nearest services and events.