Oxford College sees highest number of baptisms in recent memory


An Oxford College has celebrated the largest number of baptisms and confirmations in at least 20 years.

Eleven candidates were confirmed at Merton College Chapel by the Bishop of Reading, OIivia Graham, with six of the candidates baptised beforehand by the College Chaplain, Canon Simon Jones. 

The group ranged in age from a 14-year-old chorister from the College’s Girls’ Choir to post-graduate students in their mid-20s and the adult daughter of a member of staff.  They began their preparation after Easter.

Canon Jones said: “It was a great privilege to be involved in preparing this group for baptism and confirmation. 

“Coming from a range of backgrounds and traditions, their commitment to our shared exploration of faith was hugely encouraging, and we learnt a lot from each other. Their baptism and confirmation was a moving and joyful occasion.”

Iona Thomas-Wright, a doctoral student in neuroscience, said: “Having shared the preparation with the other students getting baptised and confirmed, it was very special to take this next step of faith together and I will cherish the memories of this wonderful service.”

(Photo: Benjamin Atkinson)