Annual HLC Returns

Each year we invite clergy who were eligible for our HLC scheme at 31 March to tell us how much they spent in the previous year and to provide an estimate of their costs for the coming year.

It is important that those eligible for the scheme complete the form each and every year to continue to access the full benefits of the scheme, which includes savings on tax and National Insurance. Those who aren't eligible for the scheme, or don't complete their form, can still claim some tax relief via their tax return.

HLC Annual Return 2023

HLC Annual returns for 2023 are now closed, we will contact eligible clergy when this is available for 2024.

Who needs to fill in an Annual Return?
When to complete your Annual Return
What can I claim for?
Where can I find more information about the HLC allowance?
Suspension of HLC allowance in October
Missed the deadline for previous Annual HLC Return?