General Synod February 2016 sessions: Wednesday PM



The Bishop of Sheffield moved:

That this Synod:

(a) reaffirm the five objectives set out in GS 1979 for achieving the vision of a growing church with a flourishing ministry;

(b) note that work on Resourcing Ministerial Education and on enhancing quality in all stages of ministerial development, set out in GS 2020, contributes to these objectives;

(c) welcome the proposed new funding arrangements for initial ministerial education, agreed by the Archbishops' Council following wide consultation, set out in GS 2020 and, recognising the vital contribution of TEIs and the importance of their full involvement in developing with dioceses a shared understanding of ministry and ministerial education and in implementing as set out in Annex F of GS 2020 the funding arrangements, request the Archbishops' Council to report to the Synod by July 2017 on progress towards achieving these objectives; and

(d) request the Archbishops' Council to report back to the Synod by July 2018 on the progress being made to secure both a step change in the number of ordinands and continuing improvement in their quality and deployability.

(e) request the Archbishops' Council to report back to the Synod by July 2018 on the progress made by dioceses to secure a step change in both the number and variety of authorised lay ministries.

The Revd Canon Mark Tanner and Christine Corteen moved amendments which were carried and included in italics above. Further amendments were not carried by the Revd Andrew Dotchin, and the Revd Dr Ian Paul, whose amendment was voted by the Synod as follows:
For: 154, Against: 202. five abstentions were recorded. A full list of amendments are available on Order Paper VI.

The motion, as amended, was carried.



Canon John Spence moved:

That the Synod do take note of this Report.

The motion was carried.


These brief summaries are offered primarily for reference while the General Synod is in session. The formal record of the Synod's business at each sitting during the November 2015 group of sessions can be found in the 'Business Done' (available online once published after the Synod concludes its business), which includes details of unsuccessful amendments to motions and other significant information offering a fuller picture of the Synod's business.