All Let my prayer rise before you as incense, ♦
the lifting up of my hands as the evening sacrifice.
O Lord, I call to you; come to me quickly; ♦
hear my voice when I cry to you.
Set a watch before my mouth, O Lord, ♦
and guard the door of my lips;
All Let my prayer rise before you as incense, ♦
the lifting up of my hands as the evening sacrifice.
Let not my heart incline to any evil thing; ♦
let me not be occupied in wickedness with evildoers.
But my eyes are turned to you, Lord God; ♦
in you I take refuge; do not leave me defenceless.
All Let my prayer rise before you as incense, ♦
the lifting up of my hands as the evening sacrifice.
Psalm 141.1-4b,8
Common Worship: Daily Prayer, material from which is included here,
is copyright © The Archbishops' Council 2005 and published by Church House Publishing.