With Mary let my soul rejoice,

and praise God’s holy name –

his saving love from first to last,

from age to age the same!

How strong his arm, how great his power!

the proud he will disown;

the meek and humble he exalts

to share his glorious throne.

The rich our God will send away

and feed the hungry poor;

the arms of love remain outstretched

at mercy’s open door.

So shall God’s promise be fulfilled,

to Israel firmly made:

a child is born, a Son is given

whose crown will never fade.

All glory to the Father, Son

and Spirit now proclaim;

with Mary let the world rejoice

and praise God’s holy name!

David Mowbray

(Tune: CM, e.g. ‘St Stephen’)


Common Worship: Daily Prayer, material from which is included here,
is copyright © The Archbishops' Council 2005 and published by Church House Publishing.

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