Now bless the God of Israel who comes in love and power,

who raises from the royal house deliv’rance in this hour.

Through holy prophets God has sworn to free us from alarm,

to save us from the heavy hand of all who wish us harm.

Remembering the covenant, God rescues us from fear,

that we might serve in holiness and peace from year to year.

And you, my child, shall go before, to preach, to prophesy,

that all may know the tender love, the grace of God most high.

In tender mercy, God will send the dayspring from on high,

our rising sun, the light of life for those who sit and sigh.

God comes to guide our way to peace, that death shall reign no more.

Sing praises to the Holy One, O worship and adore.

To God the Father, fount of grace, through his beloved Son,

with God their Spirit, bond of love, be glory ever One.

Ruth Duck

Doxology: James Quinn SJ

(Tune: DCM, e.g. ‘Kingsfold’)


Common Worship: Daily Prayer, material from which is included here,
is copyright © The Archbishops' Council 2005 and published by Church House Publishing.

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