Come, Christians, bring your sacrifice of praise

to Jesus Christ, our conquering victim and our Easter king.

Jesus, the sinless lamb, has saved the sinful flock

and reconciled us to the Father.

All   Death and life have wrestled

in a wondrous fight,

the leader of the living

fell to the powers of night

dead, yet he reigns in power

his strange victory to share.

Speak, Mary, friend of Christ,

what did you see on sorrow’s road?

Tell us your story.

All   ‘I saw the tomb of the living Christ.

I saw his resurrection glory.

I saw the witnessing angels.

I saw the head-cloth and the shroud.

Christ my hope has risen,

and goes before his own to Galilee.’

Trust Mary, believers,

for only she has truth to tell,

unlike the falsifying crowd

of rumour-makers and deceivers.

All   We know that Christ is truly risen,

defeating death and hell’s dark thrall,

so conquering king, have mercy on us all.


after the Easter Sequence


Common Worship: Daily Prayer, material from which is included here,
is copyright © The Archbishops' Council 2005 and published by Church House Publishing.

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