1    Jesus, Saviour of the world,

come to us in your mercy:  

we look to you to save and help us.

2    By your cross and your life laid down,

you set your people free:  

we look to you to save and help us.

3    When they were ready to perish, you saved your disciples:  

we look to you to come to our help.

4    In the greatness of your mercy, loose us from our chains,  

forgive the sins of all your people.

5    Make yourself known as our Saviour and mighty deliverer;  

save and help us that we may praise you.

6    Come now and dwell with us, Lord Christ Jesus:  

hear our prayer and be with us always.

7    And when you come in your glory:  

make us to be one with you

and to share the life of your kingdom.


Common Worship: Daily Prayer, material from which is included here,
is copyright © The Archbishops' Council 2005 and published by Church House Publishing.

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