Note: The following abbreviations are used: BCP (Book of Common Prayer) and C of E (Church of England). Headings in italics refer to items repealed by Amending Canon.


at Morning and Evening Prayer (i)(ii)(iii)(iv)

ministry of (i)

Abstinence, Days of see Fast Days

accession of sovereign, form of service (i)

Act of Uniformity Amendment Act (1872) (i)

Administration of Holy Communion Regulations 2015; (i)C


to benefice (i)

to Holy Communion (i)(ii)(iii)(iv)

Admission of baptized children to Holy Communion Regulations 2006 (i)(ii)

adults, baptism (i)(ii)

affinity see kindred and affinity


of allegiance (i)

of obedience (i)

Affirmation of Baptismal Faith (i)

African and Afro-Caribbean Churches, Council (i)

alb (i)

All Saints' Day, observance (i)

Allegiance, Oath of (i)(ii)


at Holy Communion (i)

basin (i)

box (i)

disposition (i)(ii)

received and presented by reader (i)

recording (i)

altar see table, holy

Anglican Communion (i)

Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary (i)

anointing of the sick (i)

anthems, choice of (i)(ii)

Apocrypha (i)

archbishops (i)

and admission of offenders to Holy Communion (i)

allegiance to (i)(ii)

and consecration of bishop (i)(ii)(iii)

court (i)

and deaconess, appeals to (i)

and Declaration of Assent (i)

disciplinary proceedings against (i)

and forms of service:

approval (i)(ii)

authorized (i)

experimental (i)

and government of C of E (i)

Convocations (i)

metropolitical jurisdiction (i)

provincial courts (i)(ii)

and lay worker, appeals to (i)

and licence to preach (i)

and marriage licence (i)

and minister:

and occupation (i)

permission to officiate (i)

and Oath of Allegiance (i)

and ordination (i)(ii)(iii)

as president of General Synod (i)

and reader, appeals to (i)

and vacancy in see (i)(ii)

visitation (i)(ii)

Archbishops' Council, and representation in Convocations (i)(ii)(iii)


and admission of children to Holy Communion (i)

and appointment of musicians (i)

and church property (i)

and examination of ordinands (i)

and government of C of E (i)

and induction to benefice (i)

jurisdiction (i)

and ordination (i)

as priest (i)

and reader (i)

representation in Lower House of Convocations (i)(ii)(iii)

survey of churches (i)

visitations (i)(ii)

Archdiocese of Thyateira and Great Britain (i)

Arches Court of Canterbury (i)

Dean of the Arches (i)(ii)

judges (i)

Armed Forces Synod (i)(ii)

Ascension Day, observance (i)

Ash Wednesday:

observance (i)


Holy Communion (i)(ii)(iii)

Morning and Evening Prayer (i)

ashes, burial (i)

Assemblies of God in Great Britain and Ireland (i)

Assent, Declaration of (i)(ii)(iii)(iv)(v)

assistant bishops:

and admission of children to Holy Communion (i)

and Oaths of Obedience (i)

and representation in Convocations (i)

Auditor of Chancery Court of York (i)(ii)

Augsburg Confession of Alsace and Lorraine (i)


banns of marriage (i)(ii)(iii)(iv)(v)(vi)

register (i)


as condition:

for admission to Holy Communion (i)(ii)

for confirmation (i)

for distribution of Communion (i)

for office of reader (i)

for ordination (i)

conditional (i)(ii)

with confirmation (i)(ii)

emergency (i)

godparents and sponsors (i)(ii)

of infants (i)

of persons of riper years (i)

private (i)

registration (i)(ii)

and relations with other churches (i)

and sign of the Cross (i)

validity (i)(ii)

see also font

Baptist Union (i)

bells (i)(ii)(iii)


admission and institution to (i)

collation and presentation to (i)

induction to (i)(ii)

plural (i)

residence within (i)

suspension (i)


provision in church (i)

versions (i)

see also Scripture

Bidding Prayer, before sermon (i)

Bishop to the Forces, representation in

Upper House of Convocations (i)

bishops (i)

and appointment of musicians (i)

and archdeacon (i)

and baptism:

of adults (i)

of infants (i)

and burial of the dead (i)

canonical obedience to (i)

and church building, plays, concerts, films and pictures in (i)

and churchwardens (i)

and confirmation (i)(ii)(iii)

confirmation of election (i)

consecration (i)(ii)

age at (i)

and Declaration of Assent (i)

illegitimacy no bar to (i)

of women (i)(ii)

and Convocations (i)

and deaconess (i)

admission (i)

licensing (i)

and diocesan synod (i)

disciplinary proceedings against (i)

and forms of service (i)

disagreement over forms (i)

variation in forms (i)

and government of C of E (i)

and Holy Communion:

admission to before confirmation (i)(ii)

in private chapel (i)

in unconsecrated building (i)

and language of divine service (i)

and lay worker (i)

and local ecumenical projects (i)

and marriage licence (i)

and minister:

exercise of ministry (i)

induction to benefice (i)

institution to benefice (i)(ii)

licence under seal (i)(ii)

and other occupation (i)

permission to officiate (i)(ii)

vesture (i)

and Oath of Allegiance (i)

and oath of due obedience (i)(ii)(iii)


allegiance to archbishop (i)(ii)

apostolic institution (i)

as chief pastor (i)

dress (i)

residence within diocese (i)

and visitations (i)(ii)

and ordination (i)(ii)(iii)(iv)(v)

certificates and testimony (i)(ii)

Declaration of Assent (i)

examination of ordinands (i)

and remarried person (i)(ii)

overseas (i)(ii)(iii)

and readers (i)(ii)(iii)

reception of priests into Church of England (i)

and relations with other churches (i)

and remarriage after divorce (i)

representation in Convocations (i)

and rural dean (i)

and services (i)

dispensing with services (i)

and distribution of Holy Communion (i)

and Vicar-General (i)

see also suffragan bishop

bishop's disciplinary tribunal (i)

bishop's mission order (i)(ii)(iii)(iv)

Blessings, additional (i)

Book of Common Prayer (i)

approved alternatives to (i)

and Bible versions (i)

conformity to (i)

and Declaration of Assent (i)

and disposition of alms (i)

and doctrine (i)(ii)(iii)(iv)

and Fast Days (i)

and gendered language (i)

knowledge of (i)

and marriage (i)(ii)

Ordinal (i)(ii)

and preparation for Holy Communion (i)

provision in church (i)

services (i)

Table of All the Feasts (i)

bread, for Holy Communion (i)

British Sign Language (i)

burial of the dead (i)

by deaconess (i)

by lay worker (i)

by reader (i)

registration (i)

of suicides (i)

in unconsecrated ground (i)


Calendar (i)

Cambridge University:

and licence to preach (i)

and ordination of fellows (i)

representation in Convocations (i)

canons residentiary:

in collegiate churches (i)

and enthronement of bishop (i)

and exercise of ministry (i)

and forms of service (i)

and reception of Holy Communion (i)

Canterbury, Archbishop of:

and faculty for ordination under age (i)

and licences and dispensations (i)(ii)

as Primate of All England and Metropolitan (i)

and special marriage licence (i)

Canterbury, diocese, and commissary general (i)

Canterbury, province:

Arches Court of Canterbury (i)(ii)

Commissary Court (i)

and Convocations (i)(ii)(iii)(iv)


additional (i)

authorized forms (i)

posture for (i)

Catechism, and teaching of the young (i)(ii)(iii)


administrative body (i)(ii)

and admission of children to Holy Communion (i)

and exercise of ministry (i)

and Holy Communion (i)

Litany in (i)

and local ecumenical projects (i)

Morning and Evening Prayer in (i)

and ordination (i)

parish church (i)(ii)(iii)(iv)

services (i)(ii)

forms of (i)

language of (i)

Cathedrals Measure 1963 (i)(ii)

Cathedrals Measure 1999 (i)(ii)

Central Board of Finance see Archbishops' Council

ceremonial, Court of Ecclesiastical Causes Reserved (i)


for admission as deaconess (i)

of admission as reader (i)

of baptism (i)(ii)

of confirmation (i)

of lay worker (i)

of marriage (i)

for ordination (i)(ii)

chalice (i)

chancel, seats in (i)

chancellor/judge of Consistory Court (i)

Chancery Court of York (i)

Auditor (i)(ii)

judges (i)

Channel Islands:

and deaconesses (i)

and lay workers (i)

and length of experience as curate (i)

and representation in Lower House of Convocations (i)


Holy Communion in (i)

private (i)

see also church building

Chaplain General of Prisons (i)


Armed Forces (i)

ordination (i)

Chapters, cathedral:

and admission of children to Holy Communion (i)

and exercise of ministry (i)

and invitations to perform duties in cathedral (i)(ii)

and local ecumenical projects (i)

and services:

forms (i)

and language (i)


admission to Holy Communion (i)(ii)

teaching of (i)(ii)

see also safeguarding

choirmaster, appointment (i)

Christ Church, Oxford:

and forms of services (i)

and language of divine service (i)

Christmas Day:

and Holy Communion (i)(ii)

observance (i)


non-parochial (i)

profanation (i)

see also collegiate church

Church Assembly (i)

church buildings:

care and repair (i)(ii)

chancel (i)

plays, concerts, films and pictures in (i)

property record (i)

see also bells; font; pulpit; seating; table, holy

Church Commissioners (i)

Third Church Estates Commissioner (i)

Church of England (i)

as belonging to apostolic Church (i)(ii)(iii)

Churches in communion with (i)

doctrine (i)

government (i)

and Orders (i)

reception into (i)

Church of England (Ecumenical Relations) Measure 1988 (i)(ii)(iii)

Church of England (Miscellaneous Provisions) Measure 1992 (i)(ii)

Church of England Pensions Board (i)

Chairman (i)

Church of England (Worship and Doctrine) Measure 1974 (i)

Church of Ireland (i)

Church of Scotland (i)

Church of the Nazarene British Isles South District (i)

Church Representation Rules (i)(ii)

Church in Wales (i)

Churches, in communion with C of E (i)

churching of women (i)


admission to office (i)

and allocation of seats (i)

bread and wine for Holy Communion (i)

and care and repair of church buildings (i)(ii)

and Communion plate (i)

duties (i)(ii)

and presentments (i)

and services:

and distribution of Communion (i)

order during (i)(ii)

and terrier (i)(ii)

Churchwardens Measure 2001 (i)

churchyards, care and repair (i)


and canonical obedience (i)

and local ecumenical projects (i)(ii)

manner of life (i)

proctors (i)(ii)(iii)

representation in Lower House of Convocations (i)(ii)

and sacraments and services, forms (i)

see also archbishops; bishops; deacons; ministers; priests

Clergy Discipline Measure 2003 (i)

Clergy (Ordination) Measure 1990 (i)

clerk in Holy Orders see clergy; ministers

Code of 1603 (i)

collation and presentation to benefice (i)

Collects (i)

Collects, lectionaries and table of rules, approval (i)

Collects and Post Communions, authorized (i)

colleges, theological, ordination of staff (i)

collegiate churches:

allowing ministers to officiate (i)

deans and provosts (i)(ii)

representation in Convocations (i)(ii)

services (i)


of archbishop (i)(ii)

of archdeacon (i)

of bishop (i)(ii)(iii)(iv)(v)(vi)(vii)(viii)(ix)

commissions, ecclesiastical (i)

Common Prayer, Book of see Book of Common Prayer

Common Tenure (i)

and deaconesses (i)

and lay workers (i)

and readers (i)

Common Worship: Christian Initiation (i)(ii)

Common Worship: Collects and Post Communions (i)

Common Worship: Daily Prayer (i)(ii)

Common Worship: Festivals (i)

Common Worship: Holy Week and Easter (i)

Common Worship: Ordination Services (i)

Common Worship: Pastoral Services (i)(ii)

Common Worship: Services and Prayers for the Church of England (i)(ii)(iii)

Common Worship: The Admission and Licensing of Readers (i)

Common Worship: Times and Seasons (i)(ii)

Common Worship, president's edition (i)

communities, religious:

and representation in House of Laity (i)

and representation in Lower House of Convocations (i)(ii)(iii)

see also orders, religious

Compline (Night Prayer), forms of service (i)

concerts, in church building (i)

Confession and Absolution, Authorized Forms (i)

confessional, seal of (Canon 113) (i)

confirmation (i)

and admission to Holy Communion (i)

after baptism (i)(ii)

and change of Christian name (i)(ii)

as condition:

for distribution of Communion (i)

for office of reader (i)

for ordination (i)

instruction before (i)

and local ecumenical projects (i)

preparation for (i)(ii)

and reception into Church of England (i)

registration (i)

as requirement:

for godparents and sponsors (i)

for reception of Holy Communion (i)

conformity of worship (i)

Congregational Federation (i)

consecration of bishop (i)(ii)(iii)

and Declaration of Assent (i)

to serve overseas (i)

Consistory Courts (i)

chancellor/judge (i)

Convocations (i)(ii)

and approved services (i)

and House of Laity (i)

Lower House (i)(ii)

proctors (i)(ii)(iii)

Prolocutors (i)(ii)(iii)

and services in Latin (i)

Upper House (i)

Corporation of the Church House (i)

Council of the Oriental Orthodox Churches

in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland (i)

Councils of the Church, teaching (i)

Court of Ecclesiastical Causes Reserved (i)

courts, ecclesiastical (i)

and appellate jurisdiction (i)

Consistory Court (i)(ii)

Court of Ecclesiastical Causes Reserved (i)

provincial (i)(ii)(iii)

Vicar-General's court (i)

Courts and Legal Services Act 1990 (i)


standing for (i)

to be known by confirmands (i)

Creeds and Authorized Affirmations of Faith (i)

cremation (i)

cross, sign of:

in anointing the sick (i)

in baptism (i)

cruet (i)(ii)

curate, length of experience as (i)

cure of souls (i)(ii)

custom, local, and posture (i)


Data Protection Act 1998 (i)(ii)


admission as (i)

duties (i)

performance in another church (i)(ii)

licensing (i)

and local ecumenical projects (i)(ii)(iii)

ordination as deacon (i)

preaching of sermon (i)

Deaconesses and Lay Ministry Measure 1972 (i)(ii)


as canons residentiary (i)

disciplinary proceedings (i)

dress (i)

exercise of ministry (i)

marriage by (i)

and Oath of Allegiance (i)

Oath of Canonical Obedience (i)

ordination (i)(ii)(iii)

age at (i)

certificates and testimony (i)(ii)

and Declaration of Assent (i)

and examination (i)

to priesthood (i)

women (i)

qualities required (i)

and representation in Lower House of Convocations (i)

solemnization of marriage (i)

Deacons (Ordination of Women) Measure 1986 (i)

Deaf Church, and use of sign language (i)

Dean of the Arches (i)(ii)

deanery synods:

and clergy (i)

and local ecumenical projects (i)

rural deans as joint chairmen (i)

standing committee (i)

deans (i)

and admission of children to Holy Communion (i)

and Declaration of Assent (i)

and exercise of ministry (i)

and government of C of E (i)

and invitations to perform duties in cathedral (i)(ii)

and language of divine service (i)

and local ecumenical projects (i)

as priest (i)

reception of Holy Communion (i)

representation in Lower House of Convocations (i)(ii)(iii)(iv)

and services, forms (i)

of Westminster and Windsor (i)

death see burial of the dead

Declaration on the Ministry of Bishops and Priests (Resolution of Disputes Procedure) Regulations 2014 (i)

Declaration of Assent (i)(ii)(iii)(iv)(v)

diocesan mission committees, and local ecumenical projects (i)

diocesan pastoral committees, and local ecumenical projects (i)

diocesan synods:

bishop as president (i)

House of Bishops (i)(ii)(iii)


Bishops' Council and Standing Committee (i)

bishop's disciplinary tribunal (i)

chancellor (i)(ii)

extra-provincial (i)

and residence of bishop (i)

and residence of suffragan bishop (i)

vacancy in see (i)(ii)

Dioceses, Pastoral and Mission Measure 2007 (i)(ii)

director of music, appointment (i)

discipline, bishop's disciplinary tribunal (i)

divorce, and remarriage in church (i)(ii)

doctrine (i)

in Book of Common Prayer (i)

and Court of Ecclesiastical Causes Reserved (i)

as grounded in Scripture (i)(ii)(iii)(iv)

instruction of the young in (i)

knowledge of:

by deaconesses (i)

by ordinands (i)(ii)

by readers (i)

and local ecumenical projects (i)

in Ordinal (i)(ii)

and vesture of ministers (i)

duplex querela suits (i)

Durham University, representation in Convocations (i)


Easter Day:

and Holy Communion (i)(ii)

observance (i)

Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction Measure 1963 (i)(ii)(iii)

Ecclesiastical Licences Act 1533 (i)

Ecclesiastical Office (Terms of Service) Measure 2009 (i)(ii)


and designated Churches (i)

joint services (i)(ii)

local ecumenical projects (i)

and relations with other churches (i)

electoral roll:

and burial (i)

and extra-parochial ministry (i)

and parents of infants to be baptized (i)

and service as sideman (i)

Elizabeth II see Queen

English, as language of services (i)

Epiphany, observance (i)

Episcopal Church of Scotland (i)


at ordination of women deacons (i)

read by deaconess (i)

read by lay person (i)

epistoler, vesture (i)

Eton College, and services in Latin (i)

Europe see Gibraltar in Europe

Evangelical Church in Germany (i)

Evangelical-Lutheran Church of France (i)

evangelist, as lay worker (i)

Evening Prayer:

canticles (i)

dispensing with (i)(ii)

forms of service, authorized (i)(ii)(iii)

frequency (i)

Introduction to (i)


in cathedrals (i)

in other churches (i)

parish churches (i)(ii)

reading of banns (i)(ii)(iii)


by deaconess (i)

by lay person (i)(ii)

by lay worker (i)

by reader (i)(ii)

daily by minister (i)(ii)(iii)

and vesture of ministers (i)

Extra-Parochial Ministry Measure 1963 (i)

Extra-Parochial Ministry Measure 1967 (i)(ii)(iii)


faculty (i)

and Consistory Court (i)

for ordination under age (i)

for ordination of remarried person (i)(ii)

for repair to churches (i)

Fast Days:

notice of (i)

observance (i)

Fathers and Councils, teaching (i)

Feast Days:

notice of (i)

observance (i)


Holy Communion (i)(ii)(iii)(iv)

Morning and Evening Prayer (i)

fellows, university, ordination (i)

films, in church building (i)

fire, precautions against (i)

flagons (i)(ii)

flowers, at marriage service (i)

fonts (i)

Forces Synodical Council see Armed Forces Synod

Free Church of England (i)

funeral services (i)(ii)


General Synod (i)

approval of Holy Days (i)

and approved services (i)(ii)(iii)

archbishops as presidents (i)

Business Committee (i)

Constitution (i)

and Form of Reception into Church of England (i)

House of Laity (i)(ii)

and marriage in church after divorce (i)

Standing Orders (i)

Gibraltar, Cathedral Church of the Holy Trinity (i)

Gibraltar in Europe, diocese:

diocesan chancellor (i)

representation in Convocations (i)(ii)(iii)

godparents (i)(ii)

parents as (i)

Good Friday:

Morning and Evening Prayer on (i)

observance (i)


at ordination of women deacons (i)

as ground of doctrine (i)

read by deaconess (i)

read by lay person (i)

standing for (i)

gospeller, vesture (i)

government of C of E (i)

guardian see parent or guardian

guardian of spiritualities (i)

Guernsey, representation in Lower House of Convocations (i)(ii)

guild churches:

and Declaration of Assent (i)

forms of service (i)


Holy Baptism (i)

authorized forms of service (i)

and confirmation (i)(ii)

Holy Communion (i)

administration of (i)C

admission to:

of children (i)(ii)

of non-confirmed adults (i)

of notorious offenders (i)

bread and wine for (i)

by extension (i)

dispensing with (i)(ii)

disposition of alms (i)

distribution (i)(ii)(iii)(iv)(v)(vi)

frequency (i)(ii)(iii)(iv)

linen (i)(ii)

and local ecumenical projects (i)

at ordination (i)


cathedrals (i)

parish churches (i)(ii)(iii)

private chapels (i)

unconsecrated buildings (i)

plate (i)

preparation for (i)

regulations (i)C

service, authorized form (i)

for the sick (i)(ii)(iii)

vessels (i)

and vesture of ministers (i)

see also table, holy

Holy Days (i)(ii)

Holy Matrimony see marriage

Holy Orders see Orders

Holy Week, observance (i)

House of Bishops:

and commended forms of service (i)

and experimental services (i)

and language for divine service (i)

and remarriage after divorce (i)(ii)

and representation in Convocations (i)(ii)(iii)

and variations in services (i)

House of Laity (General Synod) (i)(ii)


at marriage service (i)

choice of (i)



and admission of children to Holy Communion (i)

and churchwardens (i)

and Declaration of Assent (i)

and distribution of Holy Communion (i)

and local ecumenical projects (i)(ii)

and relations with other churches (i)

and solemnization of marriage by deacons (i)

Independent Methodist Churches (i)

induction to benefice (i)(ii)

and Declaration of Assent (i)

infants, baptism (i)

Information Commissioner (i)

Inspection of Churches Measure 1955 (i)(ii)

institution to benefice (i)(ii)

and Declaration of Assent (i)


of deaconesses (i)

of lay workers (i)

of readers (i)

Intercessions, read by lay person (i)(ii)

intercommunion (i)

International Ministerial Council of Great Britain (formerly the Shiloh United Church of Christ) (i)

Interpretation (i)

Isle of Man, and length of experience as curate (i)


Jersey, representation in Lower House of Convocations (i)(ii)

Jesus, reverence for name (i)

judge of Consistory Court (i)


kindred and affinity (Table) (i)


language, of divine service (i)

Latin, in divine service (i)

lay officers:

and government of C of E (i)

invitation to preside at (i)

lay persons:

and distribution of Communion (i)(ii)

and reading at Holy Communion (i)(ii)

reading of banns (i)(ii)

relations with other Churches (i)

and saying of Morning and Evening Prayer (i)

lay workers:

admission and licensing (i)

duties (i)

and local ecumenical projects (i)(ii)(iii)

preaching of sermon (i)(ii)

and relations with other churches (i)


authorized (i)

Weekday (i)

Lent, observance (i)

Lessons, Table of (i)

Letters Dismissory (i)

Letters of Orders (i)(ii)(iii)


of deaconess (i)

of lay worker (i)

marriage (i)(ii)

of minister:

under seal (i)(ii)

to preach (i)(ii)

of reader (i)

linen, Communion (i)(ii)


approved service (i)


in cathedrals (i)

in church (i)


by lay person (i)

by minister (i)

local ecumenical projects (i)(ii)(iii)

London, Bishop of (i)

London University, representation in Convocations (i)

Lord's Day see Sunday

Lord's Prayer (i)

to be known by confirmands (i)

Lutheran Council of Great Britain (i)


Mar Thoma Syrian Church of Malabar (i)

marriage (i)

after divorce (i)(ii)

age at (i)(ii)

banns (i)(ii)(iii)

by deacons (i)

certificate (i)

certificate of superintendent registrar (i)

impediments to (i)(ii)(iii)

and kindred and affinity (Table) (i)

preliminary requirements (i)(ii)

preparation for (i)(ii)(iii)

in private chapels (i)

registration (i)


after civil marriage (i)(ii)

authorized (i)(ii)

special licence (i)

time (i)

witnesses (i)

Marriage (Prohibited Degrees of Relationship) Act 1986 (i)

Matrimonial Causes Act 1965 (i)(ii)

Maundy Thursday, Holy Communion on (i)

Methodist Church (i)


and burial of the dead (i)

and church buildings:

bells (i)(ii)(iii)

Bible and BCP (i)

care and repair (i)

Communion plate (i)

plays, concerts, films and pictures in (i)

discretion in conduct of public prayer (i)

and dispensing with services (i)

and disposition of alms (i)

exercise of ministry (i)

and exercise of order (i)

and Holy Communion (i)

admission of offenders (i)

reception (i)

and language of divine service (i)

and lay officers (i)

and local ecumenical projects (i)

ministry to the sick (i)(ii)(iii)

and music (i)

and notice of Feast and Fast Days (i)


dress (i)

licence under seal (i)(ii)

permission to officiate (i)(ii)(iii)

preaching of sermon (i)(ii)

and presentments (i)

personal life:

manner of life (i)

occupation (i)

and reader (i)

relations with other Churches (i)

and remarriage of divorced persons (i)

and sacraments and services (i)(ii)

absolution (i)

baptism (i)(ii)

daily office (i)(ii)(iii)

Holy Baptism (i)

Holy Matrimony (i)(ii)(iii)

and solemnization of marriage by deacons (i)

and teaching (i)

before adult baptism (i)

before confirmation (i)(ii)

of the young (i)

vesture (i)(ii)

Mission and Pastoral Measure 2011 (i)(ii)(iii)(iv)(v)

Moravian Church (i)

Morning Prayer:

Canticles (i)

dispensing with (i)(ii)

forms of service, authorized (i)(ii)(iii)

frequency (i)

Introduction to (i)


cathedrals (i)

in other churches (i)

parish churches (i)(ii)

reading of banns (i)(ii)(iii)


by deaconess (i)

by lay person (i)(ii)

by lay worker (i)

by reader (i)(ii)

daily by minister (i)(ii)(iii)

and vesture of ministers (i)

music and musicians (i)

in marriage service (i)


name, change of at confirmation (i)(ii)

New Patterns for Worship (i)

New Testament Church of God (i)

Newcastle University, representation in Convocations (i)

Night Prayer (Compline), forms of service (i)

notorious offenders, admission to Holy Communion (i)


Oath of Allegiance (i)(ii)

Oaths Act 1978 (i)(ii)

Oaths of Obedience (i)(ii)(iii)

obedience, declaration of (i)

occasional offices:

forms of service (i)

and vesture of ministers (i)

occupation of minister (i)

offerings see alms

oil, anointing with (i)

Old Catholic Churches (i)


in Church of England (i)

examination for (i)

and manner of life (i)

orders, religious:

those under vows as deaconesses (i)

those under vows as ordinands (i)

see also communities, religious

Ordinal (i)(ii)(iii)(iv)

knowledge of (i)

ordinands, remarriage (i); 306-8


and admission of offenders to Holy Communion (i)

approval of Holy Days (i)

and burial of the dead (i)

and church building:

care and repair (i)

and disposition of alms (i)

font (i)

holy table (i)

plays, concerts, films and pictures in (i)

pulpit (i)

seats (i)

jurisdiction (i)

and services:

forms (i)(ii)

Holy Communion in dependent churches (i)

ordination (i)(ii)

by overseas bishop (i)(ii)(iii)

certificate for (i)(ii)

forms of service (i)(ii)

illegitimacy no bar to (i)

and Letters Dismissory (i)

place (i)

and relations with other churches (i)

of remarried person (i)

requirement for celebration of Holy Communion (i)

for service overseas (i)

times of (i)

title (i)

organist, appointment (i)

overseas, ordination for (i)

Overseas and Other Clergy (Ministry and Ordination) Measure 1967 (i)(ii)(iii)(iv)(v)

Oxford University:

and licence to preach (i)

ordination of fellows (i)

representation in Convocations (i)


parents or guardians:

and baptism of infants (i)

and consent to marriage (i)

as godparents (i)

and teaching of children (i)

parishes, Resolution A (i)

parish churches:

cathedrals as (i)(ii)(iii)(iv)

in plural benefice (i)

property of (i)

sermons (i)


in dependent churches and chapels (i)

Holy Communion (i)(ii)

Morning and Evening Prayer (i)(ii)

parish clerks (i)

parishes, and approval of forms of service (i)

parochial church councils:

and admission of children to Holy Communion (i)

and appointment of lay officers (i)

and appointment of musicians (i)

and appointment of sidesmen (i)

and disposition of alms (i)(ii)

and language of divine service (i)

and local ecumenical projects (i)(ii)

and minister:

cooperation with (i)

vesture (i)

and notice of institution to benefice (i)

provision of things appertaining to churches (i)

and relations with other churches (i)(ii)

and remarriage after divorce (i)

and services:

approval of forms (i)

dispensing with (i)

forms (i)

and vacancy in benefice (i)

and versions of Bible and Psalms (i)

Parochial Church Councils (Powers) Measure 1956 (i)

parochial church meetings:


and appointment of sidesmen (i)

and local ecumenical projects (i)

special, and local ecumenical projects (i)

Pastoral Measure 1983 (i)(ii)(iii)(iv)

paten (i)(ii)


right of appeal (i)

and vacancy in benefice (i)


of deaconesses (i)

of lay workers (i)

of readers (i)

Pentecost (Whit Sunday):

and Holy Communion (i)(ii)

observance (i)

Philippine Independent Church (i)

pictures, in church buildings (i)

place of worship, extra-parochial (i)

plate, Communion (i)(ii)

plays, in church buildings (i)

Porvoo Declaration (i)

prayer, before adult baptism (i)

Prayer Book see Book of Common Prayer

Prayer Book (Further Provisions) Measure 1968 (i)

Prayer Book (Versions of the Bible) Measure 1965 (i)

Prayers for Various Occasions (i)


authority for (i)(ii)

by deaconesses (i)

by lay persons (i)

by lay workers (i)(ii)

by readers (i)(ii)(iii)

see also pulpit

Prefaces, Short (i)

presentments (i)


admission and institution to benefice (i)

and cure of souls (i)

disciplinary proceedings (i)

duties (i)

exercise of ministry (i)

induction to benefice (i)(ii)

Letters of Orders (i)(ii)(iii)

and Oath of Allegiance (i)

Oath of Canonical Obedience (i)

office, dress (i)

ordination (i)(ii)(iii)

age at (i)

certificates and testimony (i)(ii)

and Declaration of Assent (i)

of woman as (i)(ii)

qualities required (i)

reception into Church of England (i)

representation in Lower House of Convocations (i)

residence in benefice (i)

Priests (Ordination of Women) Measure 1993 (i)(ii)

priests-in-charge, and local ecumenical projects (i)

Private Baptism (i)

proctors in Convocation (i)(ii)(iii)

university (i)(ii)(iii)

profanation of churches (i)

property of church (i)


provincial courts (i)(ii)(iii)

Vicar-General (i)(ii)

see also archbishop

provosts (i)

and exercise of ministry (i)

and government of C of E (i)

and language of divine service (i)

as priest (i)

and reception of Holy Communion (i)

and services, forms (i)


posture for (i)

versions (i)

pulpits (i)



and Court of Ecclesiastical Causes Reserved (i)

Oath of Allegiance to (i)(ii)

prayer for (i)

supreme authority over Church (i)(ii)



duties (i)(ii)

licensing (i)(ii)

and local ecumenical projects (i)(ii)(iii)

nomination and admission (i)

preaching of sermon (i)(ii)(iii)

and relations with other churches (i)

reading desk (i)

Reception into the Communion of the Church of England (i)


of church property (i)

of repair of church (i)

Reformed Church of Alsace and Lorraine (i)

Reformed Church of France (i)

register books:

of banns (i)

of baptism (i)(ii)

of burials (i)

of children admitted to Holy Communion (i)

of confirmation (i)(ii)

of deaconesses (i)

of lay workers (i)

of marriages (i)(ii)

of readers (i)

of services (i)(ii)

Registrar General, and marriage register (i)

registrars, civil, registrar general's certificate (i)

registrars, diocesan (i)

registrars, provincial (i)

remarriage of ordinands (i)(ii)

Remembrance Sunday (i)

reverence, at divine service (i)

ritual, and Court of Ecclesiastical Causes Reserved (i)

Roman Catholic Church in England and Wales (i)

Royal Supremacy see Queen

Rules for Regulating Authorized Forms of Service (i)

rural deans (i)

and induction to benefice (i)

as joint chairmen of deanery synods (i)

and lay workers (i)

and local ecumenical projects (i)

and readers (i)

and relations with other churches (i)

and services:

distribution of Communion (i)

forms (i)

language (i)

and vacancy in cure (i)(ii)(iii)

Russian Patriarchal Church of Great Britain (i)



and instruction of the young (i)

see also baptism; confirmation; Holy Communion

safeguarding (i)(ii)A-C, (iii)A-D

Children and Young Persons Act 1933, (i)A-D, (ii)C

diocesan safeguarding advisor (i)A, (ii)B, (iii)A

risk assessment (i)A

Safeguarding and Clergy Discipline Measure 2015; (i)(ii)C, (iii)D, (iv)C

Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006; (i)A, (ii)


of deaconesses (i)

of lay workers (i)

scarf (i)

schisms, avoidance (i)

school, visiting and teaching by priest (i)

schoolmaster, ordination (i)


as ground of doctrine (i)(ii)(iii)(iv)

knowledge of:

by deaconesses (i)

by ordinands (i)(ii)(iii)

by reader (i)

read by lay person (i)

read by reader (i)

seating (i)

sequestrator, during vacancy in cure (i)


and Bidding Prayer (i)

in parish church (i)(ii)

A Service of the Word (i)(ii)


dispensing with (i)

forms (i)

alternative (i)(ii)

approved (i)

by Convocations, archbishop or Ordinary (i)

by General Synod (i)(ii)(iii)

authorized (i)(ii)(iii)

commended (i)

continuing use of non-approved services (i)

disagreement over (i)

experimental (i)

in churches and other places of worship (i)

joint (i)(ii)

order during (i)(ii)(iii)

register of (i)(ii)

reverence and attention at (i)

sexton (i)

Shiloh Church of Christ (now International Ministerial Council of Great Britain) (i)


and absolution (i)

anointing (i)

and Holy Communion (i)(ii)

ministry to (i)(ii)

by reader (i)

sidesmen, duties (i)

Sign of the Cross (i)(ii)

simony, declaration against (i)

Sodor and Man, representation in Convocations (i)

Southam Road Evangelical Church, Banbury (i)

spiritualities, guardians (i)

sponsors see godparents

standing, for Creed and Gospel (i)

stipend, of reader (i)

stole (i)

suffragan bishops:

and admission of children to Holy Communion (i)

and Declaration of Assent (i)

jurisdiction (i)

and Oath of Allegiance (i)

and Oaths of Obedience (i)

representation in Upper House of Convocations (i)

residence within diocese (i)

suicides, burial (i)


observance (i)

sermons on (i)(ii)


Holy Baptism (i)

Holy Communion (i)(ii)

Morning and Evening Prayer (i)(ii)

and teaching of the young (i)

Sunday school, reader teaching in (i)

supremacy, royal see Queen

surplice (i)(ii)

survey of churches (i)

Synodical Government Measure 1969 (i)


Table of All the Feasts (i)

table, holy (i)

Table of kindred and affinity (i)


before adult baptism (i)

before confirmation (i)(ii)

by deaconess (i)

by reader (i)(ii)

and cure of souls (i)

of the young (i)

team ministries (i)

and admission of children to Holy Communion (i)

and deaconess (i)

and lay worker (i)

and length of experience as curate (i)

and licensing of reader (i)

and local ecumenical projects (i)

and relations with other churches (i)

temporalities of benefice, induction to (i)(ii)

Ten Commandments, to be known by confirmands (i)

terrier (i)(ii)

Thanksgiving for the Gift of a Child (i)

Third Church Estates Commissioner (i)

Thirty-nine Articles of Religion (i)(ii)

and doctrine (i)

knowledge of (i)

Trinity Sunday, observance (i)


United Churches, in communion with C of E (i)

United Reformed Church (i)


canonry annexed to office in (i)

and licence to preach (i)

ordination of fellows (i)

proctors in Convocation (i)

services in Latin (i)


vacancy in benefice (i)(ii)

vacancy in cure:

and rural dean (i)(ii)(iii)(iv)

and sequestrator (i)

vacancy in see (i)(ii)(iii)(iv)(v)

verger (i)

vesture of ministers (i)(ii)

Vicars-General (i)(ii)(iii)

court (i)


by archbishop (i)(ii)

by archdeacon (i)(ii)

by bishop (i)(ii)

and presentments (i)

visiting, by priest (i)

vulnerable adults see safeguarding


Westminster, Collegiate Church of St Peter (i)(ii)

Westminster School, and services in Latin (i)

Whitsunday (Pentecost):

and Holy Communion (i)(ii)

observance (i)

Winchester, Bishop of (i)

Winchester College, and services in Latin (i)

Windsor, Collegiate Church of St George (i)(ii)

wine, for Holy Communion (i)

witnesses, to marriage (i)


churching (i)

consecration as bishops (i)

ordination as deacons (i)

ordination as priests (i)(ii)

presentation to benefice (i)

see also deaconess

worship, conformity of (i)


York, Archbishop of, as Primate of England and Metropolitan (i)

York, province:

Chancery Court of York (i)(ii)

Convocations (i)(ii)(iii)(iv)

young people, teaching (i)

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