In making an Order, the bishop endorses and authorises the mission initiative it covers as likely to promote or further the mission of the the Church through fostering or developing a distinctive Christian community.
BMOs can recognise existing mission initiatives or promote fresh expressions of church.
Examples may include:
- A new network congregation for young adults across a town
- A revitalisation of an existing congregation in a socially & economically deprived part of a city, built on a partnership between a number of parties and the drawing-in of new resources.
Code of Practice & Skeleton BMO and Instrument
The House of Bishops' Code of Practice on Part 7 of the Mission and Pastoral Measure 2011 dealing with BMOs (GS 2109) can be found below.
This incorporates the legislative changes made in the Mission and Pastoral etc. (Amendment) Measure 2018. A skeleton BMO & Supplementary Instrument have been made available to assist those preparing the legal documentation and can also be found below.
- BMO Code of Practice (805.38 KB)
- Skeleton BMO and Instrument at April 2019 (79.16 KB)
For more information and resources, see