Founded in the early 1990s, we offer support, training and development for archdeacons in the Church of England and the Church in Wales, including the deans of the Channel Islands and the archdeacons of HM Forces. We also keep in touch with Church of Scotland Presbytery Clerks on matters of common concern.
Vicar and parishioners with dogs walk past church on prayer walk Keith Blundy

The Forum is chaired by the Venerable Stephen Taylor, Archdeacon of Maidstone, and there is an Executive which consists of representatives from each of the archdeacons' regional meetings and special constituencies.

A national archdeacons' conference is held every two years, and a new archdeacons' conference every nine months. We also offer other training events and support as necessary.

For further information, contact our Archdeacons’ National Development Officer, Cameron Watt.

For support in your role, especially if new, take a look at our resources below:

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