Agenda Agenda - GS 1948 GS Papers Friday 11 July GS 1949 - Report by the Business Committee [item 4] GS 1950 - Appointments to the Archbishops' Council [item 5-7] GS 1925B - Draft Bishops and Priests (Consecration and Ordination of Women) Measure [item 501] GS 1926B - Draft Amending Canon No.33 [item 501] GS 1951 - Report by the Business Committee on the Article 8 Reference [item 501] GS 1925-6Z - Draft Measure and Draft Amending Canon for Final Drafting [item 502] GS 1952 - Draft Safeguarding and Clergy Discipline Measure [item 519-20] GS 1953 - Draft Amending Canon No.34 and GS 1952-3x Explanatory Memorandum [item 519-20] The Church Commissioners' Annual Report Saturday 12 July GS 1954 - 49th Report of the Standing Orders Committee GS 1877D - Amending Canon No.31 [item 508] GS 1936A - Draft Church of England (Pensions) (Amendment) Measure for Revision and for Final Drafting (if needed) and Final Approval [item 509-510] GS 1902A - Draft Amending Canon No.32 [item 511] and GS 1902B GS 1902C - Petition for Her Majesty's Royal Assent and Licence [item 514] GS 1903A - Convocations (Elections to Upper House) (Amendment) Resolution [item 511] GS 1904A - Clergy Representation Rules (Amendment) Resolution [item 511] GS 1905A - Draft Church Representation Rules (Amendment) Resolution No.2 [item 511] GS 1902-5Y - Report by the Revision Committee [item 511] GS 1919A - Draft Care of Churches and Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction (Amendment) Measure [item 518] GS 1919Y Report by the Revision Committee [item 518] GS 1955 - Payments to the Churches Conservation Trust Order and GS 1955x Explanatory Memorandum [item 524] GS 1946 - Declaration regarding the National Front GS 1947 - Declaration regarding the British National Party and GS 1946-7x - Explanatory Memorandum GS 1921A - Draft Church of England (Ecclesiastical Property) Measure and GS 1921Y Report by the Revision Committee [item 521] GS 1956 - The Common Good [item 12] GS 1944A and GS 1944B - Canon B8 [item 13] Sunday 13 July GS 1957 - Archbishops' Council Annual Report [item 14] GS 1958 - Additional Texts for Holy Baptism [item 601] GS 1959 - The Archbishops' Council's Budget 2015 [items 16-23] Monday 14 July GS 1960 - The Armed Forces Covenant and Community Covenants [items 25 & 26] GS 1925B - Draft Bishops and Priests (Consecration and Ordination of Women) Measure [item 503] GS 1926B - Draft Amending Canon No.33 [item 504] GS 1926C - Draft Petition for Her Majesty's Royal Assent and Licence [item 505] GS 1934A - Draft Act of Synod Rescinding the Episcopal Ministry Act of Synod 1993 [item 506-7] GS 1945A and GS 1945B - Magna Carta. A translation of the Magna Carta is available by clicking here [item 27] GS 1961 - Audit Committee's Annual Report [item 29] Tuesday 15 July GS 1902A - Draft Amending Canon 32 [512-7] & GS 1902B GS 1903A - Convocations (Elections to Upper House) (Amendment) Resolution [item 512-7] & GS 1903B GS 1904A - Clergy Representation Rules (Amendment) Resolution [item 512-7] & GS 1904B GS 1905A - Church Representation Rules (Amendment) No.2 Resolution [item 512-7] & GS 1905B GS 1902-5Z GS 1962 - Ecclesiastical Offices (Terms of Service) (Amendment) Regulations 2014 and Explanatory Memorandum GS 1962x [item 512-7] GS 1963 - Ecclesiastical Judges, Legal Officers and Others (Fees) order 2014 and Explanatory Memorandum GS 1963x [item 512-7] GS 1964 - Draft Amending Canon No.35 and GS 1964x Explanatory Memorandum GS 1940A - Church Representation Rules (Amendment) Resolution No.1 2014 and Report GS 1940Y Other documents Business Done, Voting Results and Report of Proceedings Business Done Business Done Electronic Voting Results Item 12 Item 26 Item 503 Item 504 Item 510 Item 513 Item 517 Item 523 Item 529 Item 531 Item 552 GS Misc Papers GS Misc 1070 - Ethical Investment Annual Review GS Misc 1071 - WCC Report of the Church of England GS Misc 1072 - Appointment of Synod Senior Staff GS Misc 1073 - Charm Rental Scheme GS Misc 1074 - Members of Committees GS Misc 1075 - Archbishops' Council's Activities GS Misc 1076 - Women in the Episcopate - Declaration from the House of Bishops GS Misc 1077 - Women in the Episcopate - Guidance notes from the House of Bishops GS Misc 1078 - Mutual Credit Union GS Misc 1079 - A note from the Archbishops GS Misc 1081 - Clergy Disicpline Commission Annual Report GS Misc 1082 - House of Bishops Summary of Decisions GS Misc 1083 - Shared Conversations on Sexuality, Scripture and Mission Notice Papers, Order Papers and other information Notice Papers Notice Paper 1 Notice Paper 2 (re-issued) Notice Paper 3 Notice Paper 4 Notice Paper 5 Notice Paper 6 Notice Paper 7 Notice Paper 8 Notice Paper 9 Notice Paper 10 Notice Paper 11 Notice Paper 12 Order Papers Order Paper 1 Order Paper 2 Order Paper 3 Order Paper 4 Order Paper 5 Order Paper 6 Order Paper 7 Other information Prayer Card and Various prayers and Prayer Resources for Synod Church Community Fund Annual Report Standing Orders - fully revised July 2014 edition Questions Notice Papers Questions Paper Contingency Business Diocesan Synod Motion - Spare Room Subsidy GS 1965A and GS 1965B Convocation and House of Laity meetings Convocation of Canterbury - Friday 11 July Convocation of York - Friday 11 July Draft Guidelines for the professional conduct of the clergy Explanatory Memorandum Convocation of Canterbury - Sunday 13 July Convocation of York - Sunday 13 July House of Laity - Sunday 13 July