The Church of England Foundation for Educational Leadership programme for Chief Executives of Multi-Academy Trusts will be delivered in partnership with UCL Institute of Education, working with Deloitte.
The programme has been shaped to draw on the Church of England's involvement in education over 200 years, to include UCL IOE's deep expertise across the education system, including academies and leadership, and to learn from Deloitte's business knowledge and practical experience of working in the education sector. There will be input from leading experts and practitioners from education as well as learning from wider sectors.
The programme will be targeted at existing or aspiring CEOs from Church of England Diocesan MATs, MATs led by Church of England schools and those that include Church of England schools.
Participants will:
- Explore the beliefs and values that underpin their vision for MAT leadership
- Develop a comprehensive understanding of the knowledge and skills required for both them and their team to be effective in their roles
- Develop their confidence to take responsibility for their schools in order to make wise and authentic leadership decisions both strategically and in the everyday challenges they face
- Engage with the Church's vision for education, considering how their role will shape and work to achieve this
- Join a network of effective support, ensuring that transformation is sustainable, and success is shared, in order to improve the life chances of the pupils in their schools
The Church of England recently launched its vision for education, which will feature heavily in the programme, informing sessions on strategic leadership, finance, marketing and school improvement.
Speaking about the programme, Chief Education Officer for the Church of England Rev'd Nigel Genders said: "I'm delighted that we will be working with expert partners to ensure that the Church of England's extensive experience in education will be combined with UCL IOE's deep understanding of the system, and Deloitte's experience of the business world.
"The leaders of Multi-Academy Trusts are going to be absolutely crucial strategic figures for the future of our education system. That's why we are investing in them through our Foundation for Educational Leadership, ensuring they are equipped to carry out their important role, to offer an education which promotes life in all its fullness for pupils, staff and their communities."
Toby Greany, Professor of Leadership and Innovation at the UCL Institute of Education (UCL IOE), commented: "UCL IOE is pleased to be working with the Church of England Foundation for Educational Leadership and Deloitte on this important programme.
"Senior leaders in all Multi-Academy Trusts are faced with both exciting possibilities and daunting responsibilities: the partnerships and organisations they forge today are likely to shape the educational experiences of children and staff for a generation to come.
"Even for an experienced Head teacher, the shift to leading a group of schools will require new skills and approaches. The new programme will offer both academic rigour and practical support to Church of England MAT leaders as they navigate these developments."
Julie Mercer, lead partner for education at Deloitte, said: "The Church of England Schools play a critical role in educating young people from all walks of life across the country. Great leadership teams within these schools increasingly need to balance operational and financial management alongside great educational outcomes.
"Deloitte is delighted to be working with the IoE and The Church of England Foundation for Educational Leadership to support the development of leaders within these schools and making a positive impact on the way in which schools support the development of pupils and their communities."
Notes to Editors
The Church of England Foundation for Educational Leadership was set up last year to provide networks, programmes and research for leaders in education. To read the Church of England Vision for Education was launched last year.
Sign up to the programme.
The Church of England Foundation for Educational Leadership was set up last year to provide networks, programmes and research for leaders in education.