Clergy paid through our payroll need to complete the Ministers of Religion pages of the tax return for HM Revenue and Customs. If you were on the payroll during the last tax year and have not received a tax return please contact HMRC.

We recommend that you complete your tax return as soon as possible. The final deadline for the paper return is 31 October. Although you can submit your return online up to 31 January, please bear in mind that you would need to either purchase special software to enable you to complete the Ministers of Religion pages online or use a tax agent that uses such software.

Information you need to complete your tax return

Your P60 (or P45 if you left the payroll before 6 April)
Your P11D (if you received any HLC allowance or other benefit during the year)

You will also need:

You do not need your Annual HLC Return to complete your tax return. You need to use the figure (box M) from form P11D, this confirms the HLC allowance you received during that tax year. However, if you have an accountant they may wish to see these figures.

We aren’t qualified to offer you advice on your tax affairs. If you need help, it’s best to seek advice from a qualified professional who is experienced in clergy taxation. We are unable to recommend any particular advisor/s and suggest that you seek personal recommendations from your clergy colleagues.

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