Each cathedral has its own Fabric Advisory Committee.

We can help you understand their roles and responsibilities.
Wells Cathedral Photo by DAVID ILIFF. License: CC BY-SA 3.0

What do FACs do?

The Fabric Advisory Committee is responsible for:

  • Advising the chapter on matters relating to the care, conservation and development of the cathedral
  • Determining applications for approval of works specified in the Measure
  • Compiling and maintaining an inventory

They set their own meetings independently of the Commission and have to meet at least twice a year.


The membership of an FAC

A Fabric Advisory Committee must have either six, eight or ten members. Half are appointed by chapter. The other half are appointed by the Commission.

Terms last five years, but members are eligible for reappointment. The chair is chosen from among the members.

FAC members appointed by the Commission should have:

  • Special knowledge of the care and maintenance of outstanding historic buildings
  • An interest in the cathedral itself

If you want to join an FAC, contact us for advice

Source URL: https://www.churchofengland.org/resources/churchcare/cathedral-fabric-commission/cathedral-fabric-advisory-committees