For most our pension schemes, we look after the investments for you.

Have you ever wondered what happens to the money from the moment it's paid in to when you start taking it back as your pension? Find out about the secret life of your pension - where it goes and how we try to make the most from it.

Our ethical investment policy

While you're still working and your pension is building up, we put your money to hard work. Here are a few examples of how we try to help build and improve the world we live in.

Your pension money keeps itself busy by buying shares in companies, often large companies you’ve heard of, but also smaller companies that we hope will grow to be household names. It also helps to build infrastructure and properties around the world.

We do all of this in an ethical framework developed by the Church’s Ethical Investment Advisory Group, and we have an in-house team that works to influence companies in our portfolio on topics like climate change, diversity, health and safety.  To learn more about the Board’s ethical investment initiatives, see here.

None of this would exist without the help of savers like you, and many others who team up together to help do good with billions of pounds of pension money.

We’re passionate about what we do and how we invest all our pension money. All the time it's growing it’s creating jobs, building things and doing good for the world – even after the day you retire.

Our approach to ethical investment

Find out all about our ethical investment work, and the work of the Ethical Investment Advisory Group

Young person holding a sign saying "there is no planet b" Li-An Lim

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