There are particular times when it helps to remember the person who has died. The Church of England has special services when we think about all those whom we love but see no longer. This page has more information about these services.

There will always be anniversaries and special times when you miss the person who has died in a particular way. Some churches offer special services at Christmas for those who are feeling sad, so check out your local church for details.

Sometimes there are special services, often in cathedrals or larger churches, to remember those who have died in particular circumstances, such as stillbirth or road accident death. The relevant national support groups will have more information.

But every year, near to November 2nd, many churches hold special services, when anyone who wants to remember someone they love who has died can come to light a candle and say special prayers. This is often known as ‘All Souls’. Check your local church for details – there may be a service in the day time or in the evening. It doesn’t matter whether the funeral took place in this church, or even if you have never been there before. This service is for everyone, and many people find it very helpful.

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