The Questions and Answers on this page were published to assist with understanding and completion of PCR2. Now that the review has concluded, these Q&A will remain online as a point of reference. 

Please see the main PCR2 page for the latest information and report.

Why Past Cases Review 2 (PCR2)?
What are PCR2 Objectives?
Is PCR2 only concerned with diocesan files?
What is the role of the PCR2 Management Board?
What files are in scope of PCR2?
Which “church officer” roles are within the scope of PCR2?
Will PCR2 consider deceased clergy and other church officers and survivors of abuse by them?
Can files be exempted from PCR2?
Will survivors be consulted?
What are the five phases of PCR2?
Who is suitable to be an Independent Reviewer and by what process should they be appointed?
What facilities need providing for Independent Reviewers?
What about cases that have been dealt with by National Safeguarding Team or the Provinces?
What is the timeframe for completion of PCR2?
What will it cost?
How are costs reclaimed and where can I download a claim form?
Key criterion of independence for reviewers?

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