Everyday Faith is a series of resources designed to equip and enable the whole people of God to find and follow God in everyday life. Reflections, prayers and stories are available for individuals and groups.

As well as the Everyday Faith materials below, Time to Pray, a new prayer resource, launched in August 2020. From September, Time to Pray will make use of the cycle of intercessions alongside social media posts to highlight prayers for the whole of life and stories to inspire conversation around how God is at work.

Three women praying

Dioceses across the country have been developing their own #everydayfaith resources. Here are some suggestions churches or individuals can try:

Changing Lives Conversations (Canterbury): Two questions can be used as a ‘warm up’ in meetings to get people thinking about how God is working in their lives and how we can all support each other in faith during the week.

Everyday Questions (Bath and Wells): A pack of 40 cards with questions large and small offer conversation starters for deeper conversations about faith in everyday life.

Gifts for Everyday Faith (Oxford): A short questionnaire helps individuals to think about what their gifts are as a first step to thinking about how they can use them and where.

Resources for communities

Source URL: https://www.churchofengland.org/faith-life/everyday-faith/everyday-faith-communities