Missiologist, theologian, innovator and writer Mike Moynagh explains how a fresh expression is ecclesial because we prayerfully hope that God will enable it to arrive at “church.”
Church of England Pioneer minister, creative and community activist Mark Berry reflects on the formational nature of fresh expressions.
Beth Honey is Pioneer Minister in the Derwent Ward of Derby Diocese and Co-leader of a growing fresh expressions called Derwent Oak. Here she describes how the seed of a simple plan has grown into a fully-fledged Christian community with branches that extend right across the local context.
This month, ordained Pioneer and Mission PhD researcher Ian Mobsby explores the importance of fresh expressions being 'contextual' and how the ‘Listening First Missional Journey’ helps with that.
Environmental Engagement Officer in the Gloucester Diocese, Cate Williams, explains why Forest Church could see growth during and beyond the Covid-19 pandemic.
The Diocese of Leicester's Lead Pioneering Development Worker, Jonathan Dowman, considers how new and existing forms of church might co-exist in an increasingly mixed ecology of Christian communities.
In this blog, Church Mission Society's Pioneer Hub Coordinator, Paul Bradbury, weighs up what's similar and different between Resource Churches and Fresh Expressions.
A blog by Heather Cracknell, Head of Development for Fresh Expressions in the Church of England, reflecting on the language we use.