Individual study resources enable people to go at their own pace, and in private. They explore generosity in many different ways, and vary in length. They are particularly useful to build up towards a time when generosity is explored within our church services. Depending on the resources used, they can explore generosity in its many different forms, or generous financial giving.

‘Generous God, Generous People’ is a 5 week course of daily reflections covering Generous God, Generous people, Generous giving, Generosity towards others and Principles for generous people to live by. It is produced by the Diocese of St Edmundsbury & Ipswich.

‘Living Generously’ is a booklet of 7 days reflections on the story of Mary anointing Jesus’ feet and how this illustrates seven different ways to live generously. It is produced by the Diocese of Oxford.

‘Generosity and the inheritance of Lent’ is a series of reflections for Lent produced by the Church in Wales.

Individual study resources

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