The HLC Scheme is run in partnership with HM Revenue and Customs and is unique to the Church Commissioners’ clergy payroll.
It allows you to claim tax relief on the heating, lighting, cleaning and garden upkeep (HLC) costs of your official property. It’s a reclassification of part of the stipend which is paid before tax and National Insurance are deducted, it isn’t an additional payment.
It's viewed as a taxable service benefit because you can claim for your costs for the whole property, not just the work related portion.
Terms and Conditions
To qualify for the scheme, you need to:
- Be a full-time office holder paid through the Church Commissioners' clergy payroll
- Occupy, rent-free, an official house provided by the Church of England (or a charity)(please note for clergy couples living in the same vicarage, only the person the house is provided for may claim HLC, you cannot claim twice for the same property)
- Submit an Annual Return each year
You can only claim for your HLC costs in those parts of the property which are used for official purposes and/or occupied by you or your family.