Over the past few months our churches have adapted to a changing world. This has included sharing church services online and providing new ways for people to give, in a digital environment. We too have evolved our services and products to the needs of our churches. On Parish Buying we offer an affordable and simple online giving platform called Give A Little. At the time of publishing over 1,600 churches have signed up for this service. To find out more, please visit Parish Buying. Please note that you must sign up with SumUp first through Parish Buying to set up a Give A Little Account.
If you have already signed up to Give A Little, we’re pleased to let you know they have just launched a new functionality. This allows givers to make a monthly gift without registration or other hurdles. It is a good way to include more members of your church with regular giving as a congregational scheme may not always be appropriate – for example with new members of the church or those who like the church but are not practising Christians. For some, monthly payments through Give A Little may be the first step towards regular giving through direct debit or Parish Giving Scheme.
Setting up monthly giving
Setting up regular giving is quick and easy to do, requiring one small change in your Give A Little account. To do this you will need to:
- Login to your Give A Little Account
- Click on the campaigns section
- View the campaign on which you would like to set up monthly donations for
- Go to ‘Allow Recurring Donations’ (which is below ‘Capture donor Gift Aid details’) and click ‘Change’
- Enable ‘Allow Recurring Donations’ and click ‘Save’
You will then see the option for people to make a monthly gift on your online giving page.
Encouraging monthly giving
Here is some guidance to encourage people to make a regular gift to your church through Give A Little. First, tell people about the need to give to your church and that they can make a monthly gift online. Here is some sample text you may like to use:
We are grateful for all that you give to sustain the life, mission and ministry of this church. We are delighted to announce that you can now make regular monthly gifts to our church online. A monthly gift means we can plan for the future and better serve our community. <link or QR code to your Give A Little page>
Don’t forget to share the message about monthly giving on you church website, social media channels, email newsletter and at church services and events. With your Give A Little account you can create a QR code that directs people to your giving page. You can then share the QR code image on an order of service, a poster – in fact anything printable or onscreen.