Led by the Revd Heather Cracknell, Head of Fresh Expressions Development in the Evangelism & Discipleship team, the launch broadcast at 7.30pm on the last Thursday in November. At the launch, it was explained what Greenhouse is and why it can lead to more sustainable fresh expressions of church.
Heather said: “Greenhouse isn’t a course or an initiative. It’s a model of working together with others who are also trying to establish and grow new Christian communities, so they can have great conversations, and learn and share ideas together.”
The model is based on a cycle of Stages of development and growth and is now being piloted by six dioceses and one online group which has participants from all over the country.
“We’re excited about its potential to connect those who sow, grow and maintain all kinds of new, very diverse Christian communities in a limitless range of contexts. You don’t have to be ordained or a ‘pioneer’ to participate in or start a Greenhouse – it’s for anyone with a passion and creativity for sharing the gospel in new and different ways,” said Heather.
The cycle of Stages, called ‘The loving-first missional journey’ or ‘The loving-first cycle’ was developed by Church of England minister, writer and fresh expressions theologian, the Revd Dr Michael Moynagh, in consultation with the national Fresh Expressions team and others. Visit the Church of England website to see more about the cycle.
Heather added: “It’s just great to be at the launch stage for Greenhouse after so much preparation over the last 18 months. We can’t wait to see what God does through all those who have been inspired to try it out.”