Time for prayer
We can pray in many different ways – in silence, in our own words or by lighting a candle. But sometimes we need help to pull our thoughts together. This page has a selection of prayers which you may find helpful.
The Lord’s Prayer
Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins
as we forgive those who sin against us.
Lead us not into temptation
but deliver us from evil.
For the kingdom, the power,
and the glory are yours
now and for ever.
The night before a christening
Dear God,
Be with my friends tomorrow – may they know joy.
Be with my family tomorrow – may they know love.
Be with me tomorrow – may I know peace.
Be with my child – may s/he know your light
As s/he begins his/her amazing journey of faith.
Lead him/her in the right path,
Keep him/her safe
And help us all to know you are with us,
Now and always.
At bedtime
Loving God,
As the light shines in his/her room,
May your light shine always for my little one.
May he/she go safely through life,
Knowing your love and goodness.
May he/she be like a light for others,
Bringing hope and joy to friend and stranger.
May he/she know you are always there
To guide, to lead and to protect.
After a difficult day
Dear God,
Sometimes life is good and sometimes it’s not.
Help us to know that you are with us in all of it.
Where we have done wrong today, forgive us;
when we have felt sad, comfort us;
where we have been afraid, strengthen us;
When we feel we’ve had enough
Give us strength to try again.
For we are on an amazing journey of faith,
and we know that you never leave us.
Bless this home tonight
And let your peace be known.
In Jesus name, we pray
For where we live
Lord Jesus,
You lived in a family and played in a village.
Look after our family and the place where we live.
To pray together with a child
[You might like to draw imaginary decreasing circles for each group of people]
Dear God,
Thank you for your wonderful world.
Be close to all the people who need help.
Thank you for my lovely friends and family
Help us to be kind to each other all the time.
Thank you for me.
Keep me safe, and let me grow well in every way.
Thank you for Jesus.
Be very close to me always.
Prayers from the Children’s Society
A psalm from the Bible
‘The Lord will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways.
On their hands they will bear you up, so that you will not dash your foot against a stone.’
(Psalm 91 verses 11-12)
A blessing prayer
Creator God,
We thank you for the gift of the life of this child who is to be baptized.
May your blessing of peace and joy be with them and protect them all of their days.
We make this prayer in the name of your Son, Jesus.
A prayer of thanks and praise
For children who are a gift from you, Loving God,
We thank you and we praise you.
For the laughter and smiles of your children,
We thank you and we praise you.
For the sleepless nights and endless washing,
We thank you and we praise you.
For the tearful nights and morning hugs,
We thank you and we praise you.
For all the love your children show us,
We thank you and we praise you.
A prayer for parents to say
Bless us parents as we celebrate the christening of our child.
Watch over us that we may be examples of your love, peace and joy to our children, friends and all who come into contact with us.
Bless our child’s godparents, as they commit to support our newly baptized child.
Guide them as they offer help and support to us and our children, now and throughout their amazing journey of life.
Bless our child’s grandparents, as they see their family growing.
Encourage them to pass on their wisdom with gentleness and truth, offering love and joy to us and our children.
Bless our friends, as our lives change and move on.
Inspire them to be a listening presence, a calming influence and a source of joy, as we share new experiences together.
Bless our family and friends, Loving God, watch over and protect us all.
A prayer for all children
Loving God,
We pray for all children.
We pray that they know and feel the security that is their right.
We pray that they know and feel the love that is theirs through you.
Guide all who are a voice for children and young people to speak loudly and clearly
so that security and safety, love and hope might be the experience of all your children.