Section 12 - Induction

3 minutes read
Last updated: 15 July 2021
Version: 1

12.1 All appointments to posts that fall within the scope of this guidance must undergo an induction process appropriate to the role being undertaken, whether paid or unpaid

12.2 Induction must include:

  • Mandatory training and information about the Church body’s safeguarding policies and procedures, including to whom to report concerns
  • One to one meeting(s) with the individual to whom the inductee reports
  • Expectations in the role, objectives (where appropriate) and arrangements for ongoing support.

12.3 The induction process must be evaluated and reviewed regularly as part of the continuous improvement of the safer people management cycle. 

Good practice advice


A planned, proportionate and consistent induction process ensures that everyone in the church body fully understands and knows how to follow safeguarding policies and procedures, and makes sure expectations are clear.


A good induction is more than just a series of meetings and is a necessary and important step in relation to safeguarding.  Being able to put names to faces and building relationships helps establish a culture where people feel comfortable and able to raise and report any concerns, safeguarding or otherwise.

It is recognised that there will always be the element of ‘on the job’ induction and that the length and nature of the induction depend on the role, the inductee’s background, and the size and nature of the body.

If individuals have completed safeguarding induction training elsewhere/previously, the Church of England safeguarding training must still be completed for their new role to ensure they have up-to-date knowledge and skills and understand how safeguarding works in the new body. This is especially relevant within the Church of England as it is such a diverse organisation with many unique challenges. If individuals have completed the Church of England safeguarding training elsewhere and it is in date then there is no need to repeat it at this point.

Induction meetings must also provide opportunities for the individual to discuss any issues or concerns about his/her role or responsibilities, including any additional training that might be needed.  This also enables the responsible person to recognise any immediate or emerging concerns or issues about the person's ability or suitability at the outset and address them straight away, as well as making arrangements for ongoing support. See also Sections 13:  Probation/Settling-in Period and Section 14: Ongoing Support, Accountability, Oversight & Supervision.

During 2020/2021, most induction periods have been conducted virtually, and this looks likely to remain the case for a number of roles for some considerable time. Many bodies had already begun to develop either all or some elements of their induction process to be completed online, moving away from the traditional Powerpoint/ “chalk and talk” format to something more engaging and accessible, especially for volunteers who might be time-limited. Consideration should be given as to how much of the induction process can be carried out online and virtually, without compromising the main purpose of informing and engaging.

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