The Ethical Investment Advisory Group (EIAG) supports the Church Commissioners, the Church of England Pensions Board and the CBF Church of England Funds (managed by CCLA), referred to as the National Investing Bodies, or NIBs.
A view of St Paul's Cathedral in the City of London

We provide timely and practical advice to the three National Investing Bodies to enable them to invest in a way that is distinctly Christian and Anglican.

The EIAG is not an investor. It provides non-binding advice, acting in an advisory capacity to the three national investing bodies who are individually responsible for developing and implementing their own investment policies. In particular, our advice relates to:

  • Assets, sectors or markets in which it would not be appropriate for a NIB to invest;
  • Stewardship of each NIB’s investments;
  • Relationships with managers and other investors; and
  • Public policy issues.

The advice of the EIAG is biblically and theologically grounded and aims to be inspired by and consistent with Anglican traditions. Our thinking is formed around a framework of five principles which affirm that human beings live well and are fulfilled when they are:

  • Flourishing as persons;
  • Flourishing in relationship;
  • Standing with the marginalised;
  • Caring for creation; and
  • Serving the common good

Read our Terms of Reference (2023), the Nominations Committee's Terms of Reference (2024), Code of Conduct and the EIAG's latest annual review.

If you wish to contact any member of the EIAG or the Secretariat, please email [email protected].

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