Welcome! Discover all you need to know about Church of England weddings and blessings. Marrying in church is personal, meaningful, spiritual and beautiful, just as you want it to be.
Your Church Wedding flourish

Just engaged

Congratulations on your engagement! An exciting and happy time lies ahead and there will be so much to think about. If you’re wondering how to make a start on all the planning and preparations for the service, this section will guide you through the first steps.

Planning your ceremony

A guide to all you need to know for planning your church wedding. Covers hymns and music, readings, organising your banns, marriage licenses, types of service and taking photos and films of your special day.

More about marriage

Getting married is one of the most serious decisions we make in life. As well as being a big commitment, it has an impact on family, friends and the whole of society. Read more about why marriage matters, and ways to help you grow and stay together.

Guests & special roles

Whether you’re going to a wedding as a guest, or have a special role in the wedding party, everyone at a church wedding is warmly welcomed. With tips for the best man, bridesmaids and much more, this section will help everyone enjoy the big day to the full.

Real Weddings

Be inspired when you see how even a small selection of real church weddings can all be so different.

Source URL: https://www.churchofengland.org/life-events/your-church-wedding