The Church of England, with support from Historic England and other partners, including Caring for Gods Acre, has created a digital map and database of all burial grounds in England, which will be accessible through the Church Heritage Record

Work on this is now complete, and the next phase is about to begin, recording in detail the grave memorials and ecology of our churchyards and linking these with other resources through the Church Heritage Record. This is being undertaken on the Church of England’s behalf by a company called Atlantic Geomatics.

In 2020 a pilot survey was completed on two churches in the United Benefice of Kirburton All Hallows and Shelley Emmanuel, Diocese of Leeds, with support from the National Heritage Lottery Fund.

The live links to the records on these two pilot studies can be found here:

The full project has now commenced and will record all Anglican burial grounds in this same way, diocese by diocese, beginning in the dioceses of Carlisle and Truro. For further information on this project and how to get involved, please contact Dr James Miles.

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