Whether you’ve already had children together, or have children from a previous relationship, we welcome them.
Bride and groom signing the register with their son on his dad's knee

One in five couples who come to church for a wedding already has children. As part of planning your ceremony, the vicar will want to ensure they enjoy the day and can be part of it. They can walk up the aisle with mum, carry the rings, read from the Bible or say a prayer, and receive a blessing with their parents.

The children of your guests may be involved in the ceremony too, if you’d like them to be. Vicars are used to welcoming and including families with children of all ages, so don’t worry about children leaving their seats or making noise – the Vicar can advise and reassure you on all of this. Many churches even have special areas where children can play.

Double celebration

Did you know the Church of England has two church services to further include and involve your children in your wedding day?

Marriage and Thanksgiving for the Gift of a Child is ideal if you wish to celebrate your wedding and thank God for the birth of your children on the same occasion.

Marriage and Holy Baptism can make it possible for you to have your children christened – welcomed into the wider church family – on your wedding day. Visit the Church of England website for more about what a christening could mean for you and your family.

Why not talk to your Vicar about the options? He or she will be able to advise about which service could be best for you. Both of these services offer the whole of your family an extra special occasion and a new beginning.

Also in this section

Legal requirements

Finding a church

Why marry in church?

Can I marry in church?

Mixed faith marriages

When can I marry in church?

Information for same sex couples

More than a wedding venue

Booking a church

Meeting the vicar

Seven steps to a heavenly wedding

Marriage after divorce

If you live abroad

Information for foreign nationals

Special licences

Common Licences

Do we need a marriage licence?

Superintendent Registrars Marriage Schedule

The cost of church weddings

Source URL: https://www.churchofengland.org/life-events/your-church-wedding/just-engaged/your-children-are-welcome